Find the right API for your Business among more than 400 services
Real Estate
FREE 1000 requests/month
In real time
Transforms a street address into geographical coordinates and vice versa. Everything via API. Geocoding service available for 196 countries, with high precision mapping.
From: €0.006
Zip Codes
The service for obtaining the list of all Italian municipalities belonging to the same postal code (ZIP code), always up-to-date, in real time and via API.
FREE 1440 requests/day
The service for checking, obtaining and updating ISTAT city codes and their associated municipalities in real time.
Get data such as name, region, province and postcode of an Italian municipality always up-to-date, in real time and via API.
From: €0.007
Get data such as name, region, province, seat, PEC, cadastral code, postcode of an Italian municipality always up-to-date, in real time and via API
From: €0.10
In a few minutes
Italian cadastre
Get the list of properties and land, with over 10 pieces of information, starting with the address. All within minutes and via API
Get a list of real estate and land, with over 10 pieces of information, starting with cadastral data: sheet and parcel. All in minutes and via API
Check for real estate or land in a person's name nationwide in minutes and via API
Get a list of a subject's properties in a province in minutes along with over 20 pieces of information such as category, class, yield, consistency.
From: €0.99
Access ordinary or historical cadastral land registry searches on any type of Italian building or land, in minutes and via API
Access current or historical cadastral visas on individuals or companies in minutes and via API
From: €0.04
Obtain three values (low, medium, high) per square metre of any property on Italian territory with information such as neighbourhood name, band (e.g. semi-central), coordinates, property type and unique code.
From: €0.05
Get three values (low, medium, high) per sqm of any property in Italy with in-depth real estate data, real estate market trends and demographic information on the area.
Data on Real Estate Transactions is the tool for verifying the actual value of real estate through real buying and selling in a given area.
FREE 10000 requests/month
Access the complete list of all Italian regions with more than 13 information in real time and via API.
The service to obtain the complete list of all Italian provinces enriched with more than 7 information such as residents, istat code and provinces.
The service to check, obtain and update the list of all Italian metropolitan cities in real time and via API.
Get the list of all suppressed Italian municipalities belonging to the same province, always up-to-date, in real time and via API
In 48 working hours
Automate the registration, termination and extension of tenancy through our services. The telematic procedure has the same value as that carried out at the Agenzia delle Entrate counter and you will receive an official receipt.
In 2 hours
Get the official document of the Inland Revenue Agency with the list of formalities (transcriptions, registrations and annotations) in the mortgage database. The search is available for both individuals and companies.
Get the official document of the Italian Revenue Agency with the list of formalities (transcriptions, registrations and annotations) in the mortgage database.
Obtain the official document of the Internal Revenue Service with the list of formalities (transcripts, registrations and annotations) at national level of a given subject.
Obtain the detail of the Transcription, Registration or Annotation Note entered on a Property or for a formality in which a subject is involved.
In 24 working hours
Access the official cadastral planimetry of any Italian property via API
Access the official Planimetric Elaborate of any Italian property via API
Access via API the official map extract of any municipal area on Italian territory
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