HomeSolutionsCredit Recovery

Credit Recovery

API services for customer identification, legal communications, credit scoring, and NPL and risk assessment for individuals and businesses.

Our API solutions can simplify operations, improve data accuracy, optimize customer interactions, and ultimately increase recovery rates, safely and in compliance with all regulations.

Credit Recovery
Identification and Communication

Identification and Communication

Access real-time, up-to-date information on legal locations and domiciles.

Automate communications by sending REM (certified email) or registered mail with full legal validity, ensuring efficient and compliant interactions with customers.

Customer Evaluation

Customer Evaluation

With hundreds of data on people and companies, you can reduce risk and make safer credit decisions.

For each individual you can access information such as credit score, negativity, bank reports, and properly assess the severity of risk.

Customer Evaluation
Assess the financial health of your NPL portfolio

Assess the financial health
of your NPL portfolio

Gain comprehensive insights into your non-performing loan (NPL) portfolio.

Verify property and vehicle ownership, identify bank relationships, and obtain accurate commercial and real property values based on market information and actual real estate transactions.

API Services

Suggested API Services

Trusted by 12.342+ customers of all sizes across all industries

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