HomeProductsPerson Negativity Information Check - Italy

Person Negativity Information Check - Italy

€0.70 + VAT

The service to check for the presence of negative events such as protests, prejudicial acts, or insolvency procedures on an individual. All with a single request via API!


Within 2 working hours



available for
  • it

Currently the negativity service is not available, we are working on releasing the new service shortly. If you are interested in verifying the negativity of a private individual or company, however, the Visengine API is available through which you can request protests report.

The Negativity Person service allows, using the tax code parameter, to verify the presence of negative events linked to a person in a few minutes.

Negativities generally refer to all those events with legal/economic value that may indicate a risk or issue related to a person or a company.

Negative events are generally considered to be:

  • protests, i.e., the non-payment of a check or a promissory note
  • prejudicial acts in conservatory, such as legal mortgages, judicial mortgages, injunctions, property foreclosures, and precautionary seizures
  • insolvency proceedings, i.e., insolvency, management irregularities, and temporary difficulties in fulfilling obligations.

The service is part of the RISK API and is identified by the endpoint https://risk.openapi.com/IT-negativita.


POST /negativita

The method to use in the request is POST:

POST https://risk.openapi.com/IT-negativita

The parameters to pass in the request body are:

  • tax code
  • callback (optional)

This is an example of the parameters required for a request with tax code RSSMRA90D15L117D:

  "cf_piva": "RSSMRA90D15L117D",  
  "callback": {
    "url": "https://yourdomain.com/your_script",
    "field": "data",
    "method": "POST",
    "headers": {
      "session_id": "oiwejdf89453urf945jfg"

The response is asynchronous. It is possible to set a callback during the request to be notified when the data is available, without having to repeatedly call the GET /request/{id} endpoint to check its status. If a callback is set, the 'headers' field is mandatory and can be used to declare all the headers that the user would like to be indicated in the callback (such as session_id).


POST /negativita

The response will include the request ID to use in a subsequent call to access the desired data:

    "data": {
      "cf_piva": "RSSMRA90D15L117D",
      "tipo": [
      "callback": true,
      "url": "https://yourdomain.com/your_script",
      "field": "data",
      "method": "POST",
      "data": false,,
      "headers": {
        "session_id": "oiwejdf89453urf945jfg"
      "esito": "null",
      "timestamp": "1717073284",,
      "owner": "[email protected]",,
      "id": "60e866b6b3178c6dc80adf8e",,
      "soggetto": "null",
      "status": "PENDING",,
      "date_request": "null",,
      "date_completion": "null",
    "success": true,,
    "message": "",,
    "error": null


GET /IT-request/{id}

To obtain the data, it will be necessary to make a second request to another endpoint with the previously obtained ID.

POST https://risk.openapi.com/IT-request/60e866b6b3178c6dc80adf8e


GET /IT-request/{id}

Through the response, it will be possible to know if the following negative events are linked to a person:

  • protests
  • prejudicial acts
  • insolvency proceedings
    "data": {
      "status": "COMPLETED",,
      "date_request": "2024-04-09 17:09:42",,
      "date_completion": "2024-04-09 17:40:57",,
      "id": "60e866b6b3178c6dc80adf8e",,
      "cf_piva": "RSSMRA90D15L117D",,
      "soggetto": "Rossi Mario",
      "negativita": {
        "protesti": null,,
        "atti_pre": null,,
        "proc": null

The service is ideal for companies that need to quickly and reliably obtain information about any potential financial or legal issues of a private individual in Italy. Some types of companies that have already integrated the service include Banks, Financial Institutions, Debt Collection Agencies, and Insurance Companies.

The Negative Information service is also available for searches on Freelance Professionals and on Companies.

In addition to verifying the presence, you can obtain the full details of the negative records through protest records, prejudicial acts, and insolvency proceedings, which can be requested via the Docuengine API. These documents are available in PDF, JSON, and XML formats.


Although the service is available automatically through the API, for regulatory reasons, it is subject to continuous LOG monitoring with the following limitations:

  • The service is available from 9 AM to 7 PM
  • The service is active only on weekdays
  • The rate limit is automatically configured for each customer based on the annual purchase volume

Requests made outside these hours or days are queued and processed with priority on the first business day.

The service, as per the contractual terms, has daily rate limit restrictions set for proper service management.

If you want a personalized service, contact us here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This service is part of Risk, the API that allows you to access numerous databases (e.g., Civil Registry, Revenue Agency, CCIAA, CRIF, Experian) and over 15 reports and investigations on individuals, freelancers, and companies with a single request.

Below are some of the details available via API:

  • Financing data (CRIF and Experian)
  • Residence and domicile
  • Workplace
  • Properties
  • Phone
  • Negative events
  • Indicators (Credit Score) and recoverability
  • Marital status and spouse
  • Reliability
  • Roles
  • Shareholdings
  • Date of death
  • Heir information
  • Bank relationships
  • Transcriptions
Which API does this service belong to?

The Negativity Person service allows you to verify via API the presence of negative events such as protests, prejudicial actions in the land registry, and insolvency proceedings, using only a tax code.

What is the Negativity Person service?

Yes, the Negativity service can also be used to perform searches on companies and freelancers.

Can the service be used for companies or freelancers?

The Negativity Person service is used daily by companies, financial institutions, insurance companies, and professionals who need to quickly verify the presence of negative events, such as protests or prejudicial actions, against individuals.

Who is the Negativity Person service intended for?

The service is available from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM on weekdays.
Requests outside of these hours are queued and processed the next business day.

What are the service hours?

Openapi manages the entire API request process in full compliance with current privacy regulations, employing data minimization and encryption principles.
For more information, you can consult the Privacy documentation on our website.

How is privacy handled?

The documents produced are deleted from Openapi systems based on the timelines specified in the Redemption Period (the deadline beyond which the document is deleted from our servers) within the privacy documentation.
If needed, the customer can directly contact the authorized professional who provided the service, as they are required to retain a copy in accordance with regulations.

How long does Openapi keep the produced documents in its systems?

The service is provided on average within two working hours.

What is the service delivery time?

The cost per single request is €0.70.

What is the cost of the Negativity Person service?