Request updated information such as LEI code, VAT Number, GPS coordinates, Current and Historical Balance Sheet, Contacts, etc.
Recently, we talked you about the introduction of French and German company data into the API Company, adding to the extensive information already available on Italian businesses.
Now, it’s time to announce the integration of a new advanced database: Company Spain. It contains over 60 real-time updated data points on Spanish companies, all accessible through the Start ES and Advanced ES endpoints.
Let’s dive deeper into the available data and its benefits.
As mentioned above, one of the key endpoints is Company Start ES, which provides up-to-date information on all Spanish companies. Specifically, it includes:
The data is retrieved in just a few seconds and is accessible from a single platform.
Company Advanced ES is the second endpoint, that offers a broader and more detailed overview. With just one API request, you can access over 60 advanced data points, including:
This service is highly useful for in-depth analysis, due diligence, and strategic market assessments.
By accessing up-to-date data on Spanish companies, you can automate business verification in Spain, eliminate billing errors, streamline onboarding, assess financial stability and business performance, and directly connect with the companies of interest.
These services are ideal for business intelligence companies, B2B marketing, and anyone needing to verify registered Spanish businesses.