HomeProductsStart Company Data - Italy

Start Company Data - Italy

FREE 30 requests/month

From: €0.015 + VAT

FREE requests

Over 20 data points on Italian companies, including name, registered office, geolocation, and billing information. All in real-time and through API!


In real time

available for
  • it

Start Company Data offers, with a single API request and in real-time, over 20 data points on Italian companies, such as personal and tax data.

All data is available starting from one of the following parameters:

  • VAT Number
  • Tax Code
  • ID (internal company identifier)

Start Company Data also allows you to verify the company's activity status with the Chamber of Commerce.

Start Company Data is identified by the endpoint:GET https://company.openapi.com/IT-start/{vatCode_taxCode_or_id}

Data on new companies and responses are provided in real-time.


GET /IT-start/{vatCode_taxCode_or_id}

GET https://company.openapi.com/IT-start/12485671007

The response, as indicated, will include over 20 data points, including:

  • Tax Code
  • Full Company Name
  • VAT Number
  • Registered Office (street, number, address, city, district, province, postal code)
  • Activity Status at the Business Register (Active, Registered, Inactive, Suspended, In Registration, Ceased)
  • Registration Date at the Chamber of Commerce
  • Recipient code for electronic invoicing and timestamp of data update
  • ID (internal company identifier)
  • GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude)
  • Timestamp creation (company creation date in the database)
  • Timestamp last update (date of the company's last update)


GET /IT-start/{vatCode_taxCode_or_id}

This is an example of the response obtained using VAT number 12485671007 as the parameter:

  "data": {
    "cf": "12485671007",
    "denominazione": "OPENAPI SPA",
    "piva": "12485671007",
    "toponimo": "VIALE",
    "civico": "221",
    "indirizzo": "VIALE F TOMMASO MARINETTI 221",
    "comune": "ROME",
    "frazione":  null,
    "provincia": "RM",
    "stato_attivita": "ACTIVE",
    "timestamp": 1622452306,
    "timestamp_creation": 1622452306,
    "timestamp_last_update": 1622452306,
    "cap": "00143",
    "codice_destinatario": "MJ1OYNU",
    "timestamp_codice_destinatario": 1622452306,
    "id": "60b4a85585e34e615c569ef5"
    "gps": {
     "coordinates": [
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

Start Company Data is chosen by thousands of companies in various sectors, including software houses, marketing and sales companies, insurance companies, real estate agencies, and many more.

Thanks to the real-time response times of the service, it is often used to verify and validate company data during the registration phase. In the case of e-commerce, it allows you to automate and optimize checkout completion times, eliminating any billing errors.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Start Company Data is a service that allows real-time access to the registry and billing data of Italian companies. This service offers updated and detailed information regarding:

  • Registry data
  • Billing data
  • Verification of the company's status
What is the Start Company Data service?

The Start Company Data service provides a wide range of over 20 detailed pieces of information about a company, including:

  • Tax Code
  • Full Company Name
  • VAT Number
  • Registered Office (street, number, address, city, district, province, ZIP code)
  • Activity Status at the Business Register (Active, Registered, Inactive, Suspended, In Registration, Ceased)
  • Registration Date at the Chamber of Commerce
  • Recipient code for electronic invoicing and timestamp of data update
  • ID (internal company identifier)
  • GPS Coordinates

This information provides a complete and up-to-date picture of the company, useful for evaluations, verifications, or in-depth analysis.

What information can I obtain with the Start Company Data service?

These products differ in the quantity and level of detail of the information provided about a company. The main differences are:

  • Company Data Check: This service focuses primarily on the company's registry data. It provides essential information such as the company name, VAT number, tax code, and registered office address, without including financial or operational details. It is ideal for those who need a simple identity verification.
  • Start Company Data: This service offers basic Company Profile , perfect for quick checks. It provides details such as the company name, VAT number, tax code, registered office address, activity status, and SDI code for electronic invoicing. It’s ideal for those needing a general overview without financial details.
  • Advanced Company Data: Offers more detailed information. In addition to the data from Start, it provides more in-depth data like the company's PEC, REA number, legal form, ATECO code, revenue, employee count, and shareholder information. It’s useful for those needing a more comprehensive view of the company’s structure and operations.
  • Full Company Data: Provides the most complete coverage, combining data from Start and Advanced with advanced financial information, including balance sheets, economic performance indicators, and historical data. It’s ideal for those needing an in-depth analysis of a company’s financial health, including risk assessments and market positioning.
What are the differences between the Company Data Check, Start Company Data, Advanced Company Data, and Company Full Company Data from Openapi?

The Start Company Data service is designed for various types of users who need to verify and obtain company data quickly and securely. These include:

  • E-commerce and marketplaces that need to quickly verify supplier or partner company data.
  • Software houses and developers who integrate company data verification services into applications and platforms.
  • Marketing and sales companies for collecting company registry and billing information.
  • Payment services that need company data verifications for secure transactions.
  • Professionals and consultants who require reliable data on Italian companies.
Who is the Start Company Data service designed for?

Yes, the first 30 calls per month are free.

Are there any free calls?

The data is provided in real-time.

What are the response times for the service?

The service offers up to 10 free requests per month.

You can choose subscription plans with more favorable rates, starting at €0.015 + VAT per request.

Subscriptions come with usage limits that vary according to the type of plan chosen, offering greater flexibility based on your needs. Alternatively, the cost for each individual request via recharge is €0.05 + VAT.

What are the costs of the Start Company Data service?