HomeProductsDigital Signature Smart Card InfoCert

Digital Signature Smart Card InfoCert

€22.70 + VAT

Get the InfoCert Digital Signature via API, with or without CNS, compatible with most popular Smart Card readers. Can also be activated via Video Recognition.


From 2 working days

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Openapi is the only platform that allows more than 15 different types of digital signatures to be requested via API, including signatures with physical devices (e.g. USB and smart cards), qualified electronic signatures, devices with or without CNSs, and video recognition identification possibilities.

On Openapi it is also possible to choose between different Certification Authorities such as InfoCert or Aruba, without minimum purchase commitment or obligations to specific brands.

With the API Digital Signature other types of signatures such as simple electronic signature (with OTP) and qualified signature can be requested.

Smart Card InfoCert

Smart Card is a type of InfoCert digital signature in the shape of a credit card, compatible with most popular smart card readers. This type of signature can be requested:

  • With or without CNS (National Services Card) certificate
  • With video recognition option (only for devices with CNS)

Thanks to the CNS certificate, it is possible to access all Public Administration portals in seconds and in secure mode.

Smart Card allows digital signatures to be affixed to any electronic document (such as financial statements and company deeds, invoices, notifications, public register forms, contracts) with legal validity throughout Europe and is the ideal solution for computer users from a fixed location.

With the purchase of the Smart Card Signature Device are included:

  • Credit Card Format Smart Card (ISO CR-80)
  • Signature certificate (valid for three years, renewable)
  • Authentication certificate or CNS (valid for three years, renewable)

Request Signature List and Code


As mentioned above, Openapi offers a wide range of digital signatures. To check all the devices available via the API Digital Signature, and their respective prices, it is necessary to make an API request to the endpoint GET/prodotti.

GET https://ws.firmadigitale.com/prodotti

Response Signature List and Code


The response offers the complete list of all available signatures with name, type (e.g. InfoCert or Aruba), code and price. This list does not include electronic signatures not belonging to the Digital Signature type (e.g. Simple Electronic Signature), for which there are dedicated endpoints. For some products, it will also be indicated whether it is a 'blank' signature, in which case no signature certificates will be issued.

The list below is only an example and not exhaustive of the available products:

  "data": [
      "nome": "Smart Card",
      "tipo": "Infocert",
      "codice_prodotto": "FIR",
      "prezzo": 22.7
      "nome": "Smart Card CNS",
      "tipo": "Infocert",
      "codice_prodotto": "SMARTCARDCNS",
      "prezzo": 25.7
      "nome": "Smart Card CNS Con Videoriconoscimento",
      "tipo": "Infocert",
      "codice_prodotto": "SMARTCARDCNS_VIDEO",
      "prezzo": 57.9
      "nome": "Smart Card CNS Vergine",
      "tipo": "Infocert",
      "codice_prodotto": "SMARTCARDCNS_V",
      "prezzo": 25.70,
      "vergine": true
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

In the case of the Smart Card digital signature, there will be more than one code depending on the presence of the CNS Certificate and the Video Recognition option.

  • FIR for Smart Card
  • SMARTCARDCNS for Smart Card with CNS
  • SMARTCARDCNS_VIDEO for Smart Card CNS with Videoricoscimento

The code allows you to request the device.

Request Smart Card


To proceed with the device request, a request must be made to the endpoint POST/richiesta/{codice_prodotto}. In this case the device is the Smart Card with CNS and the product code is SMARTCARDCNS.

POST https://ws.firmadigitale.com/richiesta/SMARTCARDCNS

In the payload of the request, a series of information on the applicant must be passed. These data depend on the type of device selected, in the case of the Smart Card (with or without CNS) they are:

  • Name and Surname
  • Email and Phone
  • Date, Municipality, Province and Country of Birth
  • Address of residence
  • Tax code
  • Shipping Address
  • Type, number, date of issue and expiry of document

Below is an example of a payload for a Smart Card request

  "assistenza": true,
  "urgenza": true,
  "spedizione": "veloce",
  "anagrafica": {
    "nome": "alberto",
    "cognome": "neri",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "cellulare": "349xxxxx18",
    "codice_fiscale": "vnxxxxxxxl1x7d",
    "data_nascita": "28/12/2000",
    "sesso": "M",
    "comune_nascita": "terni",
    "provincia_nascita": "terni",
    "nazione_nascita": "terni",
    "indirizzo_residenza": "via rossi 2",
    "comune_residenza": "terni",
    "provincia_residenza": "terni",
    "cap_residenza": "05100",
    "nazione_residenza": "italia",
    "destinatario": "alberto neri",
    "indirizzo_spedizione": "via rossi 2",
    "comune_spedizione": "terni",
    "provincia_spedizione": "terni",
    "cap_spedizione": "05100",
    "tipo_documento": "patente",
    "numero_documento": "123456",
    "soggetto_emittente": "mctc",
    "data_emissione": "05/11/1990",
    "data_scadenza": "12/12/2020"
  "callback": {
    "url": "https://dev.ws.firmadigitale.com/test.php",
    "method": "JSON",
    "field": "data"

For the product Smart Card with video recognition, a more limited dataset of information must be passed:

  • Name and Surname
  • Email and Phone
  • Shipping address

For Smart Cards (without video recognition), it is also possible to select one or more options such as assistance, urgency and type of delivery: ordinary, priority, fast.

Shipping times are:

  • Priority shipping: 1 day
  • Fast shipping: 3 days
  • Ordinary shipping: 6 days

The timeframe is from receipt of the required documentation.

We suggest you set up a callback to stay updated on the status change of the request.

Response Smart Card


The response contains all the information and the id of the request, e.g. in our case it will be 5f7ef1e83a716836d3152662. The request id is indispensable because it allows us to check the status of the request, download and possibly send the Signature registration form.

The form can be downloaded via the endpoint GET/richiesta/{id}/modulo.

Completion of Request

In order for the certificates to be issued and the device to be processed, it is necessary for the requester to complete the identification process.

This can be done in various ways. In the case of the applicant:

  • Has a valid digital signature, the form can be digitally signed and sent via the endpoint PATCH /request/{id} where clearly the id is the one obtained previously.
  • If it does not have a digital signature, the form must be filled in, submitted for signature authentication to a public official and sent by registered mail together with an identity document

The video recognition option simplifies this process by automating the entire identification process through a simple call with an operator, which can be done from any device.

You can check the status of signature processing at any time via the endpoint GET/richiesta/{id}

In the response, when the status has changed to processed, it will be possible to access the tracking code of the shipment, the envelope number and the device identification number. The signature activation data (Emergency Code, PIN, PUK) will instead be, according to regulations, sent directly to the applicant's email via virtual envelope (PDF) by the InfoCert Certification Authority.

In addition, 'Virgin' Smart Cards can also be requested via the API Digital Signature. This is the case, for example, with RAO customers who can issue signature certificates themselves and only need to purchase batches of devices (CNSs).

The CNS Smart Card service via API is ideal for companies and organisations wishing to offer their customers a secure, certified signature that can be used by individuals with their own credentials both to sign any digital document and to access public administration services if they choose the CNS (National Services Card) option.

Do you have questions about the types of digital signature devices or how to apply and activate them? Do not hesitate to contact us: one of our consultants will be at your disposal to provide you with all the information and clarifications you need!

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Frequently Asked Questions

The service allows you to request via API the InfoCert Smart Card digital signature with or without CNS in order to sign documents securely, through the use of a Smart Card. The signature is carried out via online authentication and, through the CNS (National Services Certificate), allows the user to be identified for certain and to access online services of the Public Administration.

This signature has the same legal value as a handwritten signature, and is often used to sign contracts, authorisations and other official documents remotely.

What is the Digital Signature Smart Card InfoCert service?

The digital signature Smart Card InfoCert includes:

  • Signature device on Smart Card
  • Subscription certificate to digitally sign all IT documents
  • CNS (Carta Nazionale dei Servizi) authentication certificate, which allows certain user identification and access to online services of the Public Administration

PLEASE NOTE: Through API it is also possible to request the reader for the use of the signature, through the ‘USB Smart Card Reader’ service.

What does the Digital Signature Smart Card InfoCert include?

Through Openapi, you can request various types of digital signatures, including qualified electronic signatures, physical devices (USB and smart cards), devices with or without CNS (National Service Card), and signatures with video recognition identification.

Here is the list of currently available digital signatures:

  • Aruba Key CNS
  • Business Key InfoCert
  • Electronic Signature with OTP
  • Remote Signature Abroad InfoCert
  • Remote Signature Aruba OTP Mobile
  • Remote Signature Aruba OTP Display
  • Remote Signature InfoCert
  • InfoCert Signature Kit
  • Smart Card Reader
  • Smart Card Aruba CNS
  • Smart Card InfoCert

Renewals for InfoCert Digital Signatures are also available, as well as the SPID (Public Digital Identity System) activation service for individuals. Additionally, it is possible to request the Simplified Electronic Signature (SES) with OTP via API.

What types of digital signatures can I request through Openapi?

Video recognition is a simple, fast and secure solution to complete remote identity verification.

This option can be selected during the signature request by setting the "videoriconoscimento" (="video recognition") value to "true".

By law, identity verification is mandatory to obtain a digital signature, and video recognition offers an alternative to verification in the presence of a public official.

Moreover, being online, this procedure is much more convenient and quicker for the person requesting the signature: there is no need to purchase a revenue stamp or send in paper documents.

Note: there is an additional cost for the video option.

What is the purpose of the video recognition option in the case of digital signatures?

Yes, the digital signature has full legal value. It is recognised as equivalent to the handwritten signature in many legal systems, including the European Union. In Italy it is regulated by the Digital Administration Code (CAD) and in Europe by the eIDAS regulation.
Thanks to the digital signature, the authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of the document is guaranteed, which thus becomes legally valid and indisputable.

Does the digital signature have legal validity?

TheDigital Signature Smart Card InfoCert service via API is designed for companies and organisations wishing to offer their customers a secure and certified signature, which can be used by individuals with their own credentials both to sign any digital document and to access Public Administration services if they choose the CNS (National Services Card) option.

Who is the Digital Signature Smart Card InfoCert service designed for?

With regard to the shipment of the signature device, the timing varies depending on the shipping mode chosen (priority - 24 hours, express - 3 days, ordinary - 6 days).

For recognition, times vary depending on the length of the identification procedure.

If recognition takes place by video, processing times are from 2 working hours, while if it takes place with a public official, the minimum time is 24 working hours, since the time needed to send and receive the documentation by registered mail A/R must be taken into account.

Openapi also offers the possibility, for those who wish to do so, to become a RAO (Registration Authority Officer) and thus be able to proceed with the verification of the personal identity of private individuals who wish to acquire a digital signature.

For more information on how to become a RAO, contact us.

What are the processing times for the service?

The cost for the Smart Card without CNS is €22.70 + VAT, and for the Smart Card with CNS is €25.70 + VAT.

For those who choose video recognition, there is a surcharge of €15.00 + VAT.

What are the costs of the Digital Signature Smart Card InfoCert service?