€33.60 + VAT
Activate or renew via API of one or more Legalmail Silver REM/PEC accounts, with 2 GB Inbox Space, 6 GB Security Archive, antivirus, antispam, possibility to send/receive electronic invoices via SDI.
The REM (Registered Electronic Mail) Service allows you to check, activate, manage and renew all Legalmail REM boxes. The API REM can be used to activate certified emails for one's own company or for third parties, such as a REM sales and activation site for private individuals, professionals and companies.
The Legalmail Silver PEC/REM box is InfoCert's professional solution for those who do not need to send/receive large amounts of certified email messages.
It is particularly suited to individuals, freelancers and SMEs.
Legalmail Silver provides:
REM Silver, unlike Standard and Bronze, also includes the possibility of:
To proceed with the activation of a Legalmail Silver REM/PEC, the following API requests must be made.
The first useful endpoint for the activation of Legalmail Silver is GET/verifica_pec/{pec}, in fact through this it will be possible to verify the availability of the desired REM address.
This is an example of a request to check the availability of the Certified Email address impresa@legalmail.it
GET https://pec.openapi.it/verifica_pec/impresa@legalmail.it
This is an example of a response indicating that the address is available (avalaible:true):
"data": {
"available": true
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
Once the availability of the Certified Email has been ascertained, it will be possible to proceed with registration via the endpoint POST/pec
This is an example of Request:
POST https://pec.openapi.it/pec
The following values must be included in the body of the request:
This is an example of Payload:
"casella_pec": "yourpec@legalmail.it",
"tipo_casella": "silver",
"tipo_cliente": "PV",
"sottotipo_cliente": "",
"sottotipo_cliente_altro": "",
"nome_richiedente": "mario",
"cognome_richiedente": "rossi",
"email": "mail@domain.com",
"telefono": "0548798569",
"codice_fiscale_richiedente": "RSSXXXXXXXX56E",
"data_nascita_richiedente": "11/04/1982",
"sesso_richiedente": "M",
"nazione_nascita_richiedente": "IT",
"provincia_nascita_richiedente": "RM",
"denominazione_titolare": "",
"cf_piva_titolare": "",
"indirizzo_titolare": "via verdi 20",
"comune_titolare": "roma",
"cap_titolare": "00042",
"nazione_titolare": "IT",
"provincia_titolare": "rm",
"callback": {
"url": "https://your_domain.it/your_callback.php",
"field": "data"
In this case the request concerns a Legalmail Silver REM/PEC and the value 'silver' has been passed into the 'mailbox_type' ('tipo_casella') parameter.
At the request stage, you can also activate the automatic renewal by adding the optional parameter ‘autorinnovo’ with the value ‘true’ to the body (currently is ‘false’ by default).
The response will contain a variety of information including a summary of the characteristics of the REM/PEC, the activation status and the ID. The ID will be crucial for the next activation steps, for checking the status and for renewal.
"data": {
"casella_pec": "yourpec@legalmail.it",
"tipo_casella": "SILVER",
"tipo_cliente": "PV",
"sottotipo_cliente": "",
"sottotipo_cliente_altro": "",
"nome_richiedente": "mario",
"cognome_richiedente": "rossi",
"email": "mail@domain.com",
"telefono": "0548798569",
"codice_fiscale_richiedente": "RSSXXXXXXXX56E",
"data_nascita_richiedente": "11/04/1982",
"sesso_richiedente": "M",
"nazione_nascita_richiedente": "IT",
"provincia_nascita_richiedente": "RM",
"denominazione_titolare": "",
"cf_piva_titolare": "",
"indirizzo_titolare": "via verdi 20",
"comune_titolare": "roma",
"cap_titolare": "00042",
"nazione_titolare": "IT",
"provincia_titolare": "rm",
"callback": {
"url": "https://your_domain.it/your_callback.php",
"field": "data",
"method": "POST",
"data": {}
"dominio": "legalmail.it",
"owner": "mail@domain.com",
"timestamp": {
"registrazione": 1614865504,
"ultima_modifica": 1614868403,
"cellulare": "",
"comune_nascita_richiedente": "",
"cod_attivazione": "10173956",
"uid": "MA177987",
"conservazione": false,
"data_scadenza": "",
"descrizione": "yourpec@legalmail.it",
"sms": false,
"spazio_conservazione": 0,
"spazio_disco": 0,
"spazio_storico": 0,
"stato": "registrata",
"storico": false,
"id": "6040e4613a716838dc4eee0e",
"autorinnovo": false
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
In order to complete the activation, it will be necessary to download the required form (GET/pec/{id}/modulo_attivazione ) and proceed to send the form, correctly filled in and signed, as well as the applicant's ID via the endpoint PATCH/pec/{id}/attivazione.The id is the one obtained in the previous response.
The response will be as follows:
"data": {
"casella_pec": "yourpec@legalmail.it",
"tipo_casella": "silver",
"tipo_cliente": "PV",
"sottotipo_cliente": "",
"sottotipo_cliente_altro": "",
"nome_richiedente": "mario",
"cognome_richiedente": "rossi",
"email": "mail@domain.com",
"telefono": "0548798569",
"codice_fiscale_richiedente": "RSSXXXXXXXX56E",
"data_nascita_richiedente": "11/04/1982",
"sesso_richiedente": "M",
"nazione_nascita_richiedente": "IT",
"provincia_nascita_richiedente": "RM",
"denominazione_titolare": "",
"cf_piva_titolare": "",
"indirizzo_titolare": "via verdi 20",
"comune_titolare": "roma",
"cap_titolare": "00042",
"nazione_titolare": "IT",
"provincia_titolare": "rm",
"callback": {
"url": "https://your_domain.it/your_callback.php",
"field": "data",
"method": "POST",
"data": {}
"dominio": "legalmail.it",
"owner": "mail@domain.com",
"timestamp": {
"registrazione": 1614865504,
"ultima_modifica": 1614868403,
"cellulare": "",
"comune_nascita_richiedente": "",
"cod_attivazione": "10173956",
"uid": "MA177987",
"conservazione": false,
"data_scadenza": "",
"descrizione": "yourpec@testcert.legalmail.it",
"sms": false,
"spazio_conservazione": 0,
"spazio_disco": 1024,
"spazio_storico": 1024,
"stato": "in_evasione",
"storico": false,
"documenti_attivazione": [
"id": "6040e4613a716838dc4eee0e",
"autorinnovo": false
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
You will be able to check the status of your Certified Email at any time via the endpoint GET/pec/{id}.
The request to check the status of the previous activated Certified Email with id 6040e4613a716838dc4eee0e will be:
GET https://pec.openapi.it/pec/6040e4613a716838dc4eee0e
This is an example of response:
"data": {
"casella_pec": "yourpec@legalmail.it",
"tipo_casella": "silver",
"tipo_cliente": "PV",
"sottotipo_cliente": "",
"sottotipo_cliente_altro": "",
"nome_richiedente": "mario",
"cognome_richiedente": "rossi",
"email": "mail@domain.com",
"telefono": "0548798569",
"codice_fiscale_richiedente": "RSSXXXXXXXX56E",
"data_nascita_richiedente": "11/04/1982",
"sesso_richiedente": "M",
"nazione_nascita_richiedente": "IT",
"provincia_nascita_richiedente": "RM",
"denominazione_titolare": "",
"cf_piva_titolare": "",
"indirizzo_titolare": "via verdi 20",
"comune_titolare": "roma",
"cap_titolare": "00042",
"nazione_titolare": "IT",
"provincia_titolare": "rm",
"callback": {
"url": "https://your_domain.it/your_callback.php",
"field": "data",
"method": "POST",
"data": {}
"dominio": "legalmail.it",
"owner": "mail@domain.com",
"timestamp": {
"registrazione": 1614865504,
"ultima_modifica": 1614868403,
"evasione": 1614865504,
"scadenza": 1614868403,
"revoca": ,
"cellulare": "",
"comune_nascita_richiedente": "",
"cod_attivazione": "10173956",
"uid": "MA177987",
"conservazione": false,
"data_scadenza": "",
"descrizione": "yourpec@legalmail.it",
"sms": false,
"spazio_conservazione": 0,
"spazio_disco": 1024,
"spazio_storico": 1024,
"stato": "registrata",
"storico": true,
"documenti_attivazione": [
"data_attivazione": "04/03/2021",
"id": "6040e4613a716838dc4eee0e",
"autorinnovo": false
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
Once the activation is complete, InfoCert will directly send the access modalities to the new Certified Email box to the applicant.
It is possible at any time to upgrade a Legalmail Silver REM/PEC with:
Other services also available via REM/PEC Service are:
The API REM/PEC is used by software houses, banks and financial institutions, accountancy portals, Public Administrations and large companies, and allows customers to activate any type of REM box, so that they can manage their communications in a secure and certified manner.
Do you need help?
Haven't found the answer you're looking for?
Fill in all the details, we will get back to you as soon as possible!
The API Italian certified e-mail (REM/PEC) allows the activation, management, renewal and extension of the Legalmail Certified Electronic Mail Box space, i.e. InfoCert's tool for sending documents with a high level of security and with the same legal value as a traditional registered letter with return receipt.
Through the API Italian certified e-mail it is also possible to request Certified Email Digital Domicile for communication with private individuals and Public Administration.
Legalmail Silver Registered Electronic Mail (REM) is the InfoCert mailbox that allows you to send communications and documents via email, with a high level of security and with the same legal value as a traditional registered letter with return receipt. This type of certified email box also allows simplified management of electronic invoices and NSO orders and is already prepared to be updated free of charge to the new European standards.
Legalmail Silver Registered Electronic Mail (REM) has a space of 8 GB (2 GB box space and 6 GB Security Archive) and includes the following functionalities:
The types of Certified Email boxes available are:
All Legalmail Certified Email boxes have these features:
Legalmail Bronze, Silver and Gold also include the possibility of
The Registered Electronic Mail (REM) can be activated or renewed for one or more years.
In this case the reference endpoint is GET /pec/{id}/rinnovo.
In the renewal request, you will need to pass the ID associated with the registration/activation, which you can obtain via the GET /pec endpoint.
In addition, you can choose the Autorecharge option for an automatic renewal of the box's validity, without having to worry about requesting it manually.
Yes, the Registered Electronic Mail has full legal force and has the same value as a registered letter.
REM (Registered Electronic Mail) messages guarantee:
Yes, all Legalmail Registered Electronic Mail (REM) are already prepared to be updated to the new European standards free of charge.
The Italian Certified E-mail (REM/PEC) API is ideal for software houses, banks and financial institutions, accountancy portals, public administrations and large companies. It allows customers to activate any type of certified e-mail box for secure and certified management of their communications.
The service is provided in 2 hours.
The cost of the service is €27,90.