HomeProductsReclassified Balance Sheets - Italy

Reclassified Balance Sheets - Italy


€5.00 + VAT

Discover the financial, economic, and accounting situation of a company in just one minute! Thanks to the Reclassified Balance Sheet, you get a clear and immediate overview to make quick and targeted decisions.


In 1 minute

available for
  • it

The Reclassified Balance Sheets is designed to make the reading of the Income Statement clearer and more intuitive. The data of the balance sheet and income statement are reorganized and analyzed through the calculation of specific ratios, providing a comprehensive and detailed view of the company’s economic and financial health. This process simplifies the interpretation and analysis of the financial statement.

The service is provided via API, in JSON format, and is processed in about 1 minute.

The API provides over 45 financial parameters, including:

  • Balance sheet type, revenue, fiscal year end date, profit/loss
  • EBITDA, production value, cash flow
  • Total assets, equity, debts, liquidity
  • Added value, labor costs, depreciation, and much more


GET /documents

To get the complete list of services available via DocuEngine APIs, simply make a call to the endpoint GET /documents. The response will include the data required to complete the request and the cost associated with each service.

  "data": [
      "requestStructure": {
        "fields": {
          "field0": {
            "name": "taxCode",
            "nameIT": "codice fiscale",
            "type": "taxCode",
            "required": true,
            "options": null ,
            "help": "Inserire il codice fiscale dell`azienda"
          "field1": {
            "nameIT":"codice gruppo atto",
            "type": "optionCode",
            "required": false,
            "options": [
                "code": "A01",
                "description": "ATTO COSTITUTIVO"
                "code": "A02",
                "code": "A03",
                "code": "A04",
                "description": "MODIFICHE ATTO COSTITUTIVO/PATTI SOCIALI (societa' di persone, consorzi, geie)"
                "code": "A05",
                "description": "MODIFICHE ATTO COSTITUTIVO (societa' di capitali e cooperative)"
                "code": "A06",
                "description": "NOMINA/CONFERMA AMMINISTRATORI"
                "code": "A07",
                "description": "CESSAZIONE AMMINISTRATORI"
                "code": "A08",
                "description": "NOMINA/CONFERMA/CESSAZIONE SINDACI"
                "code": "A09",
                "description": "NOMINA LIQUIDATORI"
                "code": "A10",
                "description": "MODIFICA POTERI/ REVOCA LIQUIDATORI"
                "code": "A11",
                "code": "A12",
                "description": "PROCURE"
                "code": "A13",
                "description": "SCIOGLIMENTO CON/SENZA  LIQUIDAZIONE"
                "code": "A14",
                "description": "CANCELLAZIONE DAL REGISTRO DELLE  IMPRESE"
                "code": "A15",
                "description": "PROCEDURE CONCORSUALI"
                "code": "A16A17",
                "description": "FUSIONI/SCISSIONI"
                "code": "A18",
                "description": "TRASFERIMENTO QUOTE S.R.L."
                "code": "A19",
                "code": "A20",
                "description": "TRASFERIMENTO D'AZIENDA"
                "code": "A22",
                "description": "PATTI  PARASOCIALI"
                "code": "A23",
                "description": "CONVERSIONE IN EURO DEL CAPITALE SOCIALE"
                "code": "A99",
                "description": "ALTRI ATTI"
                "code": "X_5xx",
                "description": "COMUNICAZIONE ELENCO SOCI"
            "help":"Inserire il codice del gruppo di atto richiesto"
          "field2": {
            "nameIT":"data richiesta dal",
            "type": "date",
            "required": false,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire una data a partire dalla quale filtrare la richiesta di atti"
          "field3": {
            "nameIT":"data richiesta al",
            "type": "date",
            "required": false,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire una data fino a cui filtrare la richiesta di atti"
          "field4": {
            "nameIT":"data documento dal",
            "type": "date",
            "required": false,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire una data a partire dalla quale filtrare i documenti degli atti"
          "field5": {
            "nameIT":"data documento al",
            "type": "date",
            "required": false,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire una data fino a cui filtrare i documenti degli atti"
        "validation": "field0 || (field0 && (field1 || field2 || field3 || field4 || field5))",
        "help":null ,
        "searchHelp": null 
      "name":"Atto Ottico",
      "options": null ,
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      "totalPrice": 5.5
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            "nameIT":"numero rea",
            "type": "rea",
            "required": true,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire il numero di Rea dell`azienda"
          "field1": {
            "type": "cciaa",
            "required": true,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire la provincia della Camera di Commercio dell`azienda"
        "validation": "field0 && field1",
        "help":null ,
        "searchHelp": null 
      "name":"Visura Camerale Ordinaria - Societa' Di Persone",
      "options": null ,
      "hasSearch": false,
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      "id": "6671a5549e6f0e447bc2659d",
      "searchPrice": 0,
      "documentPrice":  3.4,
      "totalPrice": 3.4
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            "nameIT":"codice fiscale",
            "type": "taxCode",
            "required": true,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire il codice fiscale dell`azienda"
        "validation": "field0",
        "help":null ,
        "searchHelp": null 
      "name":"Bilancio XBRL",
      "options": null ,
      "hasSearch": true,
      "isSync": false,
      "id": "667c131a9e6f0e447bc265c1",
      "searchPrice": 0.1,
      "documentPrice":  4.4,
      "totalPrice": 4.5
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            "type": "rea",
            "required": true,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire il numero di Rea dell`azienda"
          "field1": {
            "type": "cciaa",
            "required": true,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire la provincia della Camera di Commercio dell`azienda"
        "validation": "field0 && field1",
        "help":null ,
        "searchHelp": null 
      "name":"Visura Camerale Storica - Societa' Di Persone",
      "options": null ,
      "hasSearch": false,
      "isSync": false,
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      "searchPrice": 0,
      "documentPrice":  4.4,
      "totalPrice": 4.4
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            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire il numero di Rea dell`azienda"
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            "type": "cciaa",
            "required": true,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire la provincia della Camera di Commercio dell`azienda"
        "validation": "field0 && field1",
        "help":null ,
        "searchHelp": null 
      "name":"Visura Camerale Storica - Impresa Individuale",
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      "name":"Visura Camerale Inglese",
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            "options": null ,
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            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire la provincia della Camera di Commercio dell`azienda"
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            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire il numero di Rea dell`azienda"
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            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire la provincia della Camera di Commercio dell`azienda"
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            "options": null ,
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            "required": true,
            "options": null ,
            "help":"Inserire il codice fiscale dell`azienda"
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        "help":null ,
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      "options": null ,
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      "searchPrice": 0,
      "documentPrice":  4.9,
      "totalPrice": 4.9
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null 


POST /requests

To request a Reclassified Balance Sheets , you need to make a request to the POST /requests endpoint, providing the required data:

  • Company's Tax Code
  • DOCUMENT ID to request

With this data, it is possible to correctly identify the company and the type of document requested. This is an example of a request for a financial statement for the company with VAT number 12485671007.

  "documentId": "669533fe6d4f51cbde8da353",
  "search": {
    "field0": "12485671007"

You can also set a Callback at this stage to be notified when the request changes status.


POST /requests

The response will return the years for which the Financial Statement can be requested and the corresponding ID needed to complete the request. You can also select the "notifyEmail" option, which will allow you to receive an email when the document is ready.

  "data": {
    "documentId": "669533fe6d4f51cbde8da353",
    "search": {
      "field0": "12485671007"
    "timestamps": {
      "creation": 1733844891,
      "SEARCH": 1733844891,
      "lastUpdate": 1733844895
    "state": "SEARCH",
    "readableSearch": {
      "taxCode": "12485671007"
    "optionsPrice": 0,
    "selectedOptions": null,
    "notifyEmail": null,
    "callback": null,
    "name": "Bilancio Riclassificato",
    "hasSearch": true,
    "searchPrice": 0.1,
    "documentPrice": 4.9,
    "totalPrice": 5,
    "documents": null,
    "resultId": null,
    "results": [
        "id": "e35ad7bf7f63c75ef592171ef38e6a43",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 31932994,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2023-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "bb05bd34494d39b0cdfd918b5788aeb4",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 23836018,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2022-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "b9319ffe2e10db08b5e37d9a37bf1c01",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131070,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2021-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "48710b9a7a17b94ed528afda69cbf7db",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131073,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2020-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "f53491fb31f801abac88ffe23b08b4dd",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131076,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2019-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "97cbb2d7869a8b005e62e7bbcc132512",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131079,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2018-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "0f09e344749572c664fe6549574bf9e6",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131082,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2017-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "a1c1a5b1620edc6edd7c32c9cfd205bf",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131085,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2016-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "d7ac4b7b650eb56d23db1a9e18fc036a",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131088,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2015-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
    "id": "67585f9fd877917945080fe2"
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null


By default, if the "STATE" field is not populated, the transaction is considered immediately closed and your request will be processed and completed. However, if it is set, the transaction is initiated but remains open, and you can proceed to update the request via the PATCH / requests endpoint.


PATCH / requests/ID

This endpoint allows you to update certain fields of the request and complete the process: closing it if the status is "NEW", or selecting a result generated by the search if the document has the 'hasSearch' parameter set to true.

  "data": {
    "documentId": "669533fe6d4f51cbde8da353",
    "search": {
      "field0": "12485671007"
    "timestamps": {
      "WAIT": 1733844894,
      "creation": 1733844891,
      "SEARCH": 1733844891,
      "lastUpdate": 1733844895
    "state": "WAIT",
    "readableSearch": {
      "taxCode": "12485671007"
    "optionsPrice": 0,
    "selectedOptions": null,
    "notifyEmail": null,
    "callback": null,
    "name": "Bilancio Riclassificato",
    "hasSearch": true,
    "searchPrice": 0.1,
    "documentPrice": 4.9,
    "totalPrice": 5,
    "documents": null,
    "resultId": "e35ad7bf7f63c75ef592171ef38e6a43",
    "results": [
        "id": "e35ad7bf7f63c75ef592171ef38e6a43",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 31932994,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2023-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "bb05bd34494d39b0cdfd918b5788aeb4",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 23836018,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2022-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "b9319ffe2e10db08b5e37d9a37bf1c01",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131070,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2021-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "48710b9a7a17b94ed528afda69cbf7db",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131073,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2020-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "f53491fb31f801abac88ffe23b08b4dd",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131076,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2019-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "97cbb2d7869a8b005e62e7bbcc132512",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131079,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2018-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "0f09e344749572c664fe6549574bf9e6",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131082,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2017-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "a1c1a5b1620edc6edd7c32c9cfd205bf",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131085,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2016-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
        "id": "d7ac4b7b650eb56d23db1a9e18fc036a",
        "data": {
          "balanceSheetId": 22131088,
          "id": 9379307,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2015-12-31",
          "balanceSheetTypeCode": "710",
          "balanceSheetTypeDescription": "BILANCIO D'ESERCIZIO"
    "id": "67585f9fd877917945080fe2"
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null


When the request is in "completed" status, you can request the document in JSON format. The endpoint to download the documents generated by the request is: GET/requests/{id}/documents

The response will indicate the file name, size, and file itself.

  "data": [
      "fileName": "5f22f5b5065afc21cc60a27a_0.json",
      "mimeType": "application/json",
      "fileSize": "34144",
      "md5": "IPJJgdrAt4xrvGR4ve7oTg==",
      "urlExpire": 1724505599,
      "downloadUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/test-docuengine-openapi-com/documents/5f22f5b5065afc21cc60a27a_0.json?X-Goog-Algorithm=GOOG4-RSA-SHA256&X-Goog-Credential=test-docuengine-openapi-com%40openapi-services-np.iam.gserviceaccount.com%2F20240823%2Fauto%2Fstorage%2Fgoog4_request&X-Goog-Date=20240823T131959Z&X-Goog-Expires=86400&X-Goog-SignedHeaders=host&X-Goog-Signature=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"
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

The Reclassified Balance Sheets API service is ideal for business analysis, reporting, and solvency assessments. This tool ensures simplicity and speed with the support of the DocuEngine service, which provides REST API calls for efficient and immediate integration.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Reclassified Balance Sheet is a reorganization of the financial statements that makes reading the financial data of a company clearer and more intuitive. Specific economic-financial ratios are calculated to facilitate analysis and provide a detailed view of the company's health. These ratios offer a more in-depth and detailed insight into the economic and financial health of the company, facilitating faster and more precise analysis to support strategic decision-making.

What is the Reclassified Balance Sheet?

The Reclassified Balance Sheet includes over 45 financial parameters, including:

  • Type of balance sheet
  • Revenue and profit/loss
  • EBITDA and cash flow
  • Total assets, net equity, and debts
  • Liquidity, personnel costs, depreciation, and much more.
What information does the Reclassified Balance Sheet provide?

Reclassification allows you to:

  • Identify strengths and critical areas of the company
  • Better understand the company’s financial and asset structure
  • Facilitate interpretation through standardized indices and parameters.
What are the advantages of the reclassification of the balance sheet?

The service is provided in JSON format, ensuring easy integration with corporate information systems.

In what formats is the information available?

The service is extremely fast: once the request is sent via API, the Reclassified Balance Sheet will be available in about 1 minute.

What are the processing times for the service?

The Reclassified Balance Sheet service is available at a cost of 5€, offering a detailed and rapid analysis of the company's economic-financial status.

What is the cost of the Reclassified Balance Sheet?