HomeProductsTax Code Check for a Person - Italy

Tax Code Check for a Person - Italy

From: €0.015 + VAT

The service to verify the tax code of any private individual and check if they are indeed registered with the Revenue Agency, all through API.


In a few seconds



available for
  • it

The Tax Code Check for a Person service allows you to check the validity of a private individual's tax code in real-time and is currently available only for Italy.

The tax code uniquely identifies Italian citizens and is essential for registering and monitoring individuals and their transactions with public and private entities. Assigned by the Revenue Agency (the Italian tax agency), the code is similar to the social security number used in other countries.

The tax code consists of 16 alphanumeric characters:

  • 6 characters for surname and name
  • 8 characters for date and place of birth
  • 2 final control characters

Verifying the tax code is crucial to ensure that the provided code corresponds to an existing and registered person in the Italian tax system. This tool helps prevent fraud and abuse by ensuring that the code is valid and belongs to the person indicated.

Unlike other APIs, the Openapi service not only checks the formal correctness of the entered tax code but also verifies if it is actually present with the Revenue Agency.

By integrating this service, you will be able to verify the identity of customers and suppliers in real-time, ensuring that commercial transactions are conducted with legitimate and registered parties.


GET /IT-verifica_cf/{tax_code}

The parameter to use is the tax code you want to verify, and the request will use the method GET

GET https://risk.openapi.com/IT-verifica_cf/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


GET /IT-verifica_cf/{tax_code}

The response will indicate whether the verified tax code is valid (true), meaning it exists and is officially recognized, or invalid (false).

  "data": { 
   "validity": true,
    "success": true,
    "message": true,
    "error": "data"

Want a customized service? Contact us here.

Tax Code Check for a Person is already used by companies, professionals and organisations that need to verify the identity of customers and suppliers in order to be certain that transactions take place with registered and legitimate parties and that fraud and abuse do not occur.


The service, as per contractual conditions, has daily rate limit constraints set for proper service management.
These limits vary based on the subscription:

500,000 per year 5000/day
150,000 per year 3000/day
75,000 per year 1500/day
10,000 per month 1200/day
5,000 per month 600/day
1,000 per month 200/day

If the rate limit for the subscription is exceeded, calls will be charged to the wallet credit.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Tax Code Verification service?What is the Tax Code Check for a Person service?

The service is part of Risk, the API that allows access to numerous databases (e.g., Registry, Revenue Agency, Chamber of Commerce, CRIF, Experian) with a single request and to over 15 different reports and investigations on individuals, freelancers, and companies.
Here are some of the information available via API:

  • Financing data (CRIF and Experian)
  • Residence and Domicile
  • Workplace
  • Real Estate
  • Phone
  • Negativity
  • Indicators (Credit Score) and recoverability
  • Marital Status and Spouse
  • Reliability
  • Positions
  • Participations
  • Date of Death
  • Information on Heirs
  • Bank Accounts
  • Transcriptions
Which API is the service part of?

Verification helps to prevent fraud, abuse, and errors, ensuring that commercial and administrative transactions are conducted with legitimate and registered entities.

Why is it important to verify a tax code?

No, currently the verification service is only available for Italian tax codes.

Is it possible to use the service outside of Italy?

Yes. European VAT verifies in real-time if a company's VAT is registered and operating within the European Union, and Company Start, which provides over 20 data points on Italian companies (including a company’s tax code) with a single API request in real-time.

Are there services on Openapi dedicated to verifying a company's tax code?

The service is useful for companies, professionals, and organizations that need to verify the identity of clients and suppliers to ensure transactions are conducted with registered and legitimate entities, preventing fraud and abuse, and ensuring that the tax code is valid and belongs to the indicated person.

Who is the Tax Code Check for a Person service aimed at?

Openapi manages the entire request process via API in full compliance with current privacy regulations, with data minimization and encryption protocols in place. For more information, please consult the Privacy documentation on our website.

How is privacy managed?

Produced documents are deleted from Openapi’s systems based on the timelines visible in the Redemption Period (the time limit after which the document is deleted from our servers) outlined in the privacy documentation. If necessary, the client can contact the authorized professional who provided the service, who is required to keep a copy in accordance with the regulations.

After how long does Openapi delete the produced documents from its systems?

The service is provided in a few seconds.

What are the processing times for the service?

The cost per request is €0.05.

Subscription plans are also available for this service, which allow you to save on individual requests and use the service continuously and flexibly.

Subscription costs start at €0.015.

What are the costs for the Tax Code Check for a Person service?