HomeProductsCompany Negativity Info Check - Italy

Company Negativity Info Check - Italy

€0.70 + VAT

Check if a company is subject to protests, prejudicial events, or insolvency procedures. All in one request!


In 2 working hours



available for
  • it

Currently the negativity service is not available, we are working on releasing the new service shortly. If you are interested in verifying the negativity of a private individual or company, however, the Visengine API is available through which you can request protests report.

The Company Negativity Info Check service is part of the RISK API and allows, starting from the vat code, to check for any negative information concerning a company.

The service is identified by the endpoint https://risk.openapi.com/IT-negativita.



The method to use in the request is POST:

POST https://risk.openapi.com/IT-negativita

The parameters to pass in the body of the call are:

  • tax code
  • callback (optional)

Here is an example of the parameters needed for a request with tax code 12485671007:

  "cf_piva": "12485671007",  
  "callback": {
    "url": "https://yourdomain.com/your_script",
    "field": "data",
    "method": "POST",
    "headers": {
      "session_id": "oiwejdf89453urf945jfg"

The response is asynchronous. It is possible to set a callback during the request phase to be updated when the data will be available, without having to call the endpoint GET /request/{id} multiple times to check its status. If a callback is set, headers is a mandatory field and can be used to declare all the headers that the user wants to be returned in the callback (such as session_id).



The response will include the request ID to be used in a second call to obtain the desired data.

    "data": {
      "cf_piva": "12485671007",
      "tipo": [
      "callback": true,
      "url": "https://yourdomain.com/your_script",
      "field": "data",
      "method": "POST",
      "data": false,
      "headers": {
        "session_id": "oiwejdf89453urf945jfg"
      "esito": "null",
      "timestamp": "1717073284",
      "owner": "[email protected]",
      "id": "60e866b6b3178c6dc80adf8e",
      "soggetto": "null",
      "status": "PENDING",
      "date_request": "null",
      "date_completion": "null"
    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "error": null


GET /IT-request/{id}

To obtain the data, a second request will be necessary, as mentioned earlier, to another endpoint with the ID previously obtained.

POST https://risk.openapi.com/IT-request/60e866b6b3178c6dc80adf8e 


GET /IT-request/{id}

The response will indicate whether the following negative events are present:

  • protests
  • prejudicial
  • insolvency proceedings
    "data": {
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "date_request": "2024-04-09 17:09:42",
      "date_completion": "2024-04-09 17:40:57",
      "id": "60e866b6b3178c6dc80adf8e",
      "cf_piva": "12485671007",
      "type": [
      "callback": true
      "outcome": {
        "code": 200,
        "info": "OK"
      "timestamp": 1625232029,
      "owner": "[email protected]",
      "subject": {
        "code": "12485671007",
        "negatives": {
          "protests": true,
          "proceedings": false,
          "prejudicial":  false
    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "error": null

In addition to verifying the presence of negative events, you can obtain complete details of negatives through protests, prejudicials, and insolvency proceedings that can be requested with the Visengine API. These documents are available in PDF, JSON, and XML formats.


Although the service is available automatically via API, for regulatory reasons it is subject to continuous LOG monitoring with the following limitations:

  • the service is active from 9 AM to 7 PM
  • the service is active only on weekdays
  • the rate limit is automatically configured per client based on the annual volumes purchased

Requests made at other times or days will be queued and processed on a priority basis on the first working day.

The service, as per contractual conditions, has daily rate limit constraints set for proper service management.

If you want a personalized service, contact us here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Company Negativity Info Check allows you to check for negative reports on a company, such as protests, bankruptcies, or other financial issues. It is a useful tool for assessing the economic reliability of potential partners or customers.

What is the Company Negativity Info Check?

The service verifies three main types of negativity:

  • protests
  • prejudicial actions
  • bankruptcies

This information helps evaluate the financial solidity and economic reliability of a company.

What types of negativity are verified?

The Company Negativity Info Check is aimed at various professional categories that need to assess the financial solidity of companies, including:

  • Companies and entrepreneurs who want to evaluate the economic reliability of partners or suppliers.
  • Financial and credit institutions to examine the solvency of a company before granting loans.
  • Legal and tax professionals who need to monitor issues related to protests or bankruptcies.
  • Procurement departments to ensure the solidity of suppliers.
  • Developers and IT platforms to integrate automated checks on company negativity.
Who is the Company Negativity Info Check intended for?

The service is part of Risk, the API that allows access to numerous databases (e.g., Anagrafe, Revenue Agency, Chamber of Commerce, CRIF, Experian) and more than 15 reports and investigations on individuals, freelancers, and companies with a single request.
Here are some of the available information via API:

  • Financing data (CRIF and Experian)
  • Residence and Domicile
  • Workplace
  • Real Estate
  • Phone
  • Negative records
  • Credit Score and recoverability indicators
  • Marital Status and Spouse
  • Reliability
  • Positions
  • Shareholdings
  • Date of death
  • Information on Heirs
  • Banking relationships
  • Transcriptions
Which API does the service belong to?

The service is available from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM on weekdays. Requests made outside these hours are queued and processed the next business day.

What are the service's availability hours?

Openapi manages the entire request process via API in full compliance with current privacy regulations, using data minimization and encryption methods.
For more information, please refer to the Privacy documentation on our website.

How is privacy handled?

The produced documents are deleted from Openapi systems according to the timelines visible in the Redemption Period (the time limit after which the document is deleted from our servers) within the privacy documentation. If necessary, the customer can contact the authorized Professional who provided the service, who is required to keep a copy as per regulations.

How long does Openapi keep the produced documents in its systems?

Requests are processed exclusively on weekdays from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Those submitted outside of this time or on holidays will be queued and processed with priority on the next working day.

Is the service available 24/7?

Information is provided in real-time via API.

What are the service processing times?

The cost of the Company Negativity Info Check for each individual request via credit recharge is €0.70 € + VAT.

What are the costs of the Company Negativity Info Check?