FREE 1440 requests/day
€0.001 + VAT
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Access the complete list of legal forms of Italian companies or their description based on the code, in real-time and for free.
Legal Form of Company is a service of the API Company and allows access to the complete list of legal forms of Italian companies, or, starting from the legal form code (e.g., SP), to obtain the full description (e.g., Joint-Stock Company).
The Legal Form of Company service provides two endpoints:
With Legal Form of Company (/IT-legalforms), you get the list and code of all business legal forms (i.e., the organizational, administrative, fiscal, and accounting model under which a company operates, according to the Civil Code). In Italy, there are different forms, each corresponding to specific legal nature codes. Here are some examples:
Legal Form of Company is identified by the endpoint: GET
The response is in real-time.
This is an example of a request:
The response provides the complete list of codes and legal forms:
"data": [
"code": "AA",
"description": "PARTNERSHIP COMPANY"
"code": "AN",
"code": "EI",
"description": "ENTERPRISE ENTITY"
"code": "RR",
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
The list in the response is for example purposes only and is not complete.
The "Legal Form Code" endpoint provides information about the legal form of a company. The data is available starting from the Legal Form Code parameter and is provided in real-time.
Legal Form Code is identified by the endpoint: GET{code}
The request can be made using the "code" parameter (e.g., SP).
The response provides details on:
"data": [
"code": "SP",
"description": "SOCIETA' PER AZIONI"
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
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The service allows you to obtain the complete list and identification code of all legal forms of Italian companies. Each legal form represents the organizational, administrative, fiscal, and accounting model through which a company is managed, according to the provisions of the Civil Code. In Italy, there are different legal forms, each associated with a specific code. Here are some examples:
These codes facilitate the identification of the legal nature of the company for administrative, fiscal, and regulatory purposes.
List and codes of legal forms. Here are some examples:
All registered Italian companies.
The Legal Form of Company service is aimed at various professionals and organizations that need accurate information on the legal structure of companies. Key users include:
The information is provided in real-time.
The service offers up to 1440 free requests per day. Once this limit is exceeded, the cost for each additional request is 0.001 + VAT.