HomeProductsCompany Name - Italy

Company Name - Italy

€0.001 + VAT

Get the full and updated name of any Italian company with the city of its registered office in real time.


In real time

available for
  • it

The Company Name service of the Company API allows you to obtain the updated business name of any Italian company registered in the Business Register.

Name is identified by the endpoint: GET https://company.openapi.com/IT-name/{vatCode_or_taxCode_or_id}

All data is available from one of the following parameters:

  • VAT Number
  • Tax Code
  • ID


GET /IT-name/{vatCode_or_taxCode_or_id}

This is an example request for the VAT number 12485671007:



GET /IT-name/{vatCode_or_taxCode_or_id}

The response returns updated information on the company name, registered office, and specifies the last data update:

  • VAT Number
  • Tax Code
  • Company Name
  • Registered Office City
  • Data Update
  • Company ID
"data": [
   "taxCode": "12485671007",
   "companyName": "OPENAPI S.R.L.",
   "vatCode": "12485671007",
      "registeredOffice": {
        "town": "ROME",
   "creationTimestamp":  1622452306,
   "lastUpdateTimestamp": "1622452306",
   "id": "60b4a85585e34e615c569ef5"
 "success":  true,
 "message": "",
 "error":  null

Company data is provided in real-time and is constantly updated.

Through this endpoint, you have the ability to be aware of any recent changes within the searched company, all in just a few moments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Company Name service is a tool that provides access to a range of detailed information about a specific company. The information provided includes:

  • VAT Number
  • Tax Code
  • Registered Company Name
  • City of Registered Office
  • Data Update
  • Company ID

This service is particularly useful for obtaining a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of a company, making it easier to verify data and assess its solidity and operational status. It is ideal for those needing quick and accurate information, for instance, for administrative, legal, or commercial purposes.

What is the Company Name service?

The Company Name is available for all Italian companies that are regularly registered in the Business Register. This includes both active companies and those that have ceased operations. By accessing a complete database, the service provides reliable and official information about any company registered in Italy, offering wide coverage and ensuring maximum transparency in verification operations.

For which companies is it available?

The Company Name is designed for various professionals and companies that need to verify official and updated information about businesses, including:

  • Companies and entrepreneurs who need to confirm the legal name of their business partners.
  • Tax and legal consultants to obtain accurate and updated information about companies.
  • Banks and credit institutions to verify the official name of businesses.
  • Developers and software houses that wish to integrate automated checks via API.
  • Administrative departments for document and contract management of client and supplier companies.
Who is the Company Name intended for?

Information is provided in real-time via API.

What are the service processing times?

The cost of the Company Name for each individual request via credit recharge is €0.001 + VAT.

What are the costs of the Company Name?