HomeProductsItalian Capital Company Registration Report

Italian Capital Company Registration Report

From: €3.96 + VAT

The service allows you to request company reports (Visure Camerali) for joint-stock companies, both ordinary and historical, in real-time, with no search costs, via API.


In a few seconds

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With the Chamber of Commerce Company Registrations service, it is possible to obtain the ordinary or historical company report of a corporation.

It is the only API that allows you to search for a company for free and obtain a list of reports that can be requested for that type of business.

The Capital Company Registration Report is an official document and contains all the information filed with the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft, and Agriculture on any Italian corporation:

  • S.p.A. (joint-stock company)
  • S.a.p.A. (partnership limited by shares)
  • S.r.l. (limited liability company)
  • S.r.l.s. (simplified limited liability company)

The company report of corporations contains the legal information and the main economic and administrative data regarding the current situation of the company:

  • Personal Data (REA Number, Tax Code and registration number in the Business Register, VAT number, and Legal Form)
  • Headquarters (Legal Address, PEC, VAT number, and REA)
  • Information from corporate agreements (e.g., establishment details and corporate purpose)
  • Asset Information
  • Shareholders and office holders
  • Activities, Registers, Roles, and Licenses
  • Company Updates

The historical company report of corporations also includes the following information:

  • Company transfers, mergers, demergers, takeovers
  • Modification history


As previously mentioned, before requesting a report, you can check which reports are available for that type of company. The request can be made with the VAT number, Tax Code, or Company ID.


GET /impresa/{cf_piva_id}

This is an example request with VAT number 12485671007


At this stage, you can immediately know the legal nature of the company and which reports can be requested for that company.


GET /impresa/{cf_piva_id}

This is an example response for VAT number: 12485671007

    "data": [
        "id": "61f2d9978e5bb376ab1c85d6",
        "denominazione": "OPENAPI SPA",
        "comune": "ROME",
        "codice_natura_giuridica": "SP",
        "chiamate_disponibili": [
    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "error": null;


GET /ordinaria-societa-capitale

Once the free search has been carried out, you can proceed with generating the request for the type of report of your interest.

In our case, we will refer to the ordinary company report of corporations.

The data to be entered for the request are: Tax Code / VAT Number / Company ID (the Company ID is obtained during the Search phase).

        "data": {
          "cf_piva_id": "12485671007",
          "tipo": "ordinaria-societa-capitale",
          "stato_richiesta": "In elaborazione",
          "timestamp_creation": 1649683350,
          "timestamp_last_update": 1649683350,
          "allegati": [],
          "callback": false,
          "owner": "[email protected]",
          "id": "625fec9313ddfc09f11c47e2"
        "message": "",
        "success": true,
        "error": null


GET /ordinaria-societa-capitale/{id}

With this method, you can check the request identified by the ID created with the "Generate Request" method.

This call allows access to the entire request object including the status, timestamp, presence of attachments, etc.

Below is the code snippet for requesting an ordinary chamber of commerce report for a capital company. This is just an example; other types of reports can also be obtained.

        "data": {
          "cf_piva_id": "12485671007",
          "tipo": "ordinaria-societa-capitale",
          "stato_richiesta": "Dati disponibili",
          "timestamp_creation": 1649683350,
          "timestamp_last_update": 1649688928,
          "allegati": [
          "callback": false,
          "owner": "[email protected]",
          "id": "625fec9313ddfc09f11c47e2"
        "success": true,
        "message": "",
        "error": null


GET /ordinaria-societa-capitale/{id}/attachments

Once the report status is "Completed", you will be able to download the official Chamber of Commerce report.

The document can be downloaded as a zip file, and inside it, the document is in PDF format.

        "data": {
          "name": "625fec93fb8ca84347057795.zip",
          "size": 586660,
          "file": "UEsDBBQAAAAIABFOllTBs6lJ1vIIAJthCQAcABwANjI1ZmVjOTNmYjhjYTg0MzQ3MDU3Nzk1LnBkZlVUCQAD8nliYvJ5YmJ1eAsAAQQhAAAABCEAAACMvFO0ME0PNfgc27Zt27Zt27Zt27Zt27Zt+5x5v39mruZm7tLpZNfu6qyqpFZ3SOSFRWkYaNkgScau4w/HOUbc+WLQqnnTtt27Zt27Zt25k7bdu2bdvcadv5fnXOqapz655qt9p93x/vW62tFjHnGmv2HiMiZvQxY7RJIi8sSsNAywxFcnA4uwjFgE+Pb2doCcXNTSdqYe1s4kgnam3gbCJsYmRnbEInbWJr5"
        "success": true,
        "message": "",
        "error": null


GET /ordinaria-societa-capitale

Finally, it is possible to review the previously made requests, along with their details.

  "data": [
      "cf_piva_id": "12485671007",
      "tipo": "ordinaria-societa-capitale",
      "stato_richiesta": "In erogazione",
      "timestamp_last_update": 1650550461,
      "owner": "[email protected]",
      "id": "626166bd20a96b3711585590"
      "cf_piva_id": "12485671007",
      "tipo": "ordinaria-societa-capitale",
      "stato_richiesta": "Dati Disponibili",
      "timestamp_last_update": 1650454028,
      "owner": "[email protected]",
      "id": "625fec9313ddfc09f11c47e2"
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

With the same API, but with specific endpoints, it is also possible to download other official chamber of commerce reports:

  • Ordinary report for sole proprietorships
  • Ordinary report for capital companies
  • Ordinary report for partnerships
  • Historical report for sole proprietorships
  • Historical report for capital companies
  • Historical report for partnerships

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Capital Company Registration Report (in Italian "visura camerale società di capitali") is an official document from the Italian Chamber of Commerce that provides all details regarding a company registered in the Business Register, particularly the legal and personal aspects of the company, including its name, legal form, registered office, tax code, type of activity, and many other elements related to the administration and corporate roles.

What is the Capital Company Registration Report service?

The Capital Company Registration Report for capital companies includes the following updated information:

  • Administrators
  • Holders of other positions or qualifications
  • Business transfers, mergers, demergers, successions
  • Headquarters and local units
  • Dissolution, insolvency procedures, and cancellation
  • Auditors, members of control bodies
  • Activities, registries, and licenses
  • Parent companies or entities
  • Ongoing practices
  • Equity stakes in other companies
  • Shareholders and holders of rights on shares and stock
  • Statutory information, latest deposited statute
  • Financial information
What information can I obtain with the Capital Company Registration Report service?

The Capital Company Registration Report is available for all companies registered with the Chamber of Commerce with the following legal forms:

  • Joint-stock company (S.p.A.)
  • Partnership limited by shares (S.a.p.A.)
  • Limited liability company (S.r.l.)
  • Simplified limited liability company (S.r.l.s.)
Are Capital Company Registration Reports available for all Italian companies?

You can request ordinary and historical Capital Company Registration Reports for capital companies, partnerships, and sole proprietorships registered with the Chamber of Commerce.

What types of Capital Company Registration Reports can I request through APIs?

The Capital Company Registration Report is a fundamental document for demonstrating or verifying the actual existence of a business and accessing specific official information to assess its stability. It provides quick access to details such as corporate structure (shareholders), administrators, and corporate roles, employees, and share capital.

When and why use the Capital Company Registration Report?

The service is useful for those who need to continuously verify economic operators:

  • Banks and credit institutions: to assess a company's financial reliability before granting loans or lines of credit.
  • Suppliers and business partners: to verify the existence and solvency of potential clients, suppliers, or partners before starting collaborations.
  • Law firms and accountants: to obtain updated information on companies involved in legal disputes, debt recovery, or business consulting.
  • Debt recovery agencies: to monitor the financial situation of debtor companies and evaluate recovery actions.
  • Construction and contracting companies: to assess potential subcontractors or partners in real estate projects.
  • Consulting firms: to gather strategic information on companies they work with or wish to study for market analysis.

The service can be easily and securely integrated into existing platforms and management systems.

Who is the Capital Company Registration Report service intended for?

The document is available within seconds to a few minutes.

What are the response times for the service?

The ordinary Capital Company Registration Report for capital companies is available from €3.96 with subscription and €4.90 with prepaid charge, while the historical report is available from €4.95 with subscription and €5.90 with prepaid charge

What are the costs for the Capital Company Registration Report service?