€11.70 + VAT
The business dossier allows you to verify the company's activity status, its structure and organization, any dissolutions, insolvency proceedings, and cancellations.
The business dossier allows you to verify the operational status of the company, its structure and organization, any dissolutions, insolvency proceedings, and cancellations.
The business dossier includes the information present in the ordinary report, the latest filed financial statement, the articles of association, and other details.
It is useful for acquiring information and thoroughly assessing the solidity of a new client, a business partner, a supplier, or a tenant in a commercial lease.
The Persons Company Dossier specifically includes the following information:
The historical dossier, in addition to the information provided for the ordinary dossier, includes the history of modifications.
GET /visure
To request the dossier with Visengine, you first need to identify the hash that uniquely identifies each document or practice.
This can be done through the endpoint GET /visure which does not require parameters and will return a complete list of documents and practices that can be requested through Visengine and their respective hashes.
GET /visure/{hash_visura}
To verify the information, required documents, and costs of the document, you need to make a request through the endpoint GET /visure/{hash_visura} and pass the hash of the document previously obtained.
GET /visure/{hash_visura}
To verify fields and costs to complete the request, we should use the hash obtained from the previous request.
GET /visure/{hash_visura}
The response will indicate all the necessary information to complete the document request, such as mandatory fields.
"data": {
"hash_visura": "6085866c3a98b508803953428b96736c",
"json_struttura": {
"campi": {
"$0": {
"nome": "Denominazione/Ragione Sociale",
"tipo": "denominazione"
"$1": {
"nome": "Codice fiscale",
"tipo": "codice_fiscale",
"null": false
"$2": {
"nome": "Partita IVA",
"tipo": "partita_iva",
"null": true
"$3": {
"nome": "Sigla provincia",
"tipo": "sigla_provincia"
"validazione": "($0 && $3) || (($0 && $3) && ($1 || $2))",
"istruzioni": "",
"istruzioni_ricerca": ""
"nome_categoria": "Camerali",
"nome_visura": "Fascicolo Società di Persone",
"opzioni": null,
"prezzo_ricerca": 0,
"prezzo_visura": 11.7,
"ricerca": false,
"sincrona": false,
"fornitori": [
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
The validation indicates the mandatory data required to successfully complete the request.
POST /request
In our case, to complete the dossier request, we chose to provide the company's tax code and VAT number.
POST /request
"hash_visura": "6085866c3a98b508803953428b96736c",
"json_visura": {
"$1": 12485671007,
"$2": 12485671007
POST /request
The response provides several pieces of information including the status, whether a callback is set, and the request ID which will be needed later to download the document.
{ "data":
"_id": "5f2829ce065afc21cc60ad0e",
"state": 1,
"hash_visura": "6085866c3a98b508803953428b96736c",
"nome": "Fascicolo Società di Persone",
"ricerca": false,
"id_ricerca": null,
"prezzo_visura": 11.7,
"prezzo_ricerca": 0,
"indice_ricerca": null,
"stato_richiesta": "In erogazione",
"email_target": null,
"allegati": [],
"timestamp_creation": 1596467662,
"timestamp_last_update": 1596467663,
"timestamp_stati": {
"in_ricerca": 1596467663,
"in_erogazione": 1596467663
"callback_data": false,
"opzioni": null,
"owner": "[email protected]",
"sincrona": false,
"ricerche": [],
"esito": {
"codice": "0",
"info": "OK"
GET /document/{_id}
Once the request status is "fulfilled", you can download the document using the GET /document/{_id} method.
GET /document/{_id}
This is an example request using the previously obtained ID
GET /document/{_id}
The response will contain the name, size, and file.
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null
The company file can be requested by anyone, even if not a legal representative of the company, without the need to present any form or authorization.
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The Partnerships Dossier is a detailed report that gathers all the official information of a company, including the company registration document, the articles of association, and, where available, the financial statements. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the company's legal and administrative status, both current and historical, and is useful for those who need to verify the evolution and structure of the company over time.
The Company Files available via API are:
The Partnerships Dossier includes the following information:
The Historical File, in addition to the information provided in the Ordinary File, includes the history of changes and, in the case of LLCs, the history of share transfers (where applicable).
Anyone who has the company name or the company's tax code can submit a request to obtain the file.
It is used to thoroughly evaluate the stability and reliability of clients, suppliers, or business partners, facilitating informed decision-making in business relationships.
The ZIP file can be downloaded through the endpoint when the request status is marked as "completed".
The Ordinary/Historical File Service for Partnerships is intended for various users who need detailed and official information on Italian companies. Among the main users are:
The service fulfillment time is estimated to be around 2 hours, but in many cases, the request could be processed even faster, depending on the system's workload.
The cost to obtain the Partnerships Dossier starts at €11.70 + VAT.