HomeProductsCRIF Company Credit Report - Italy

CRIF Company Credit Report - Italy

€17.50 + VAT

Access the CRIF Credit Information System database via API and check the credit status, ongoing credit lines, any defaults, or reports of a company.


20 working days



available for
  • it

The CRIF Company Reports allows access to the CRIF Credit Information System (EURISC) database, containing information that measures the credit risk of individuals and entities requesting and receiving loans from Banks and Financial Institutions.

EURISC is a positive and negative system, meaning it contains information on loan requests and disbursements to individuals and businesses, regardless of whether repayments have been regular or not.

Data about an individual, either private or legal, is communicated to EURISC in the following situations:

  • during the processing of a new loan, if the bank or financial institution intends to consult your data to evaluate your request
  • at the moment your loan request is accepted and the loan is disbursed
  • during the update phase, usually monthly, with data relating to the progress of repayments

In the SIC, not only the data of those who request the loan is recorded but also of:

  • those who request to establish or are part of a credit relationship with a participating entity
  • those who are co-obligated, even jointly
  • third-party assignees, in case of credit transfers or payment extensions
  • company representatives or shareholders of a company involved in a credit request or relationship
  • anyone economically or legally linked to the individual acting within their entrepreneurial or professional activity, and who is part of a credit request or relationship, with a position clearly distinct from that of the main debtor


POST /IT-crif-company/

To request a CRIF Company Report, it is necessary to submit a series of fields with the legal representative's identity document and tax code / health card and a company report in PDF format. The endpoint to use is https://risk.openapi.com/IT-crif-company/


  "company_name": "openapi",
  "company_legal_form": "sr",
  "company_tax_code": "12485671007",
  "company_vat_number": "12485671007",
  "company_certified_email": "[email protected]",
  "company_sdi": "",
  "company_address": "via marinetti",
  "company_street_number": "2",
  "company_city": "rome",
  "company_postal_code": "00128",
  "company_province": "rm",
  "company_country": "italy",
  "first_name": "mario",
  "last_name": "rossi",
  "birth_date": "1990-04-28",
  "gender": "m",
  "fiscal_code": "mrrrss89d28l117d",
  "birth_city": "terni",
  "birth_province": "tr",
  "birth_country": "italy",
  "residence_address": "via rossini",
  "residence_street_number": "2",
  "residence_city": "terni",
  "residence_postal_code": "05100",
  "residence_province": "tr",
  "residence_country": "italy",
  "document_type": "DRIVER'S LICENSE",
  "document_number": "RT5677UI",
  "release_date": "2001-12-31",
  "expiration_date": "2030-12-31",
  "release_city": "terni",
  "release_province": "tr",
  "public_authority": "mctc",
  "document_file": "JVBERi0xLjMKMyAwIG9iago8PC9UeXBlIC9QYWdlCi9QYXJlbnQgMSAwIFIKL1Jlc291cmNlcyAyIDAgUgovQ29udGVudHMgNCAwIFI+PgplbmRvYmoKNCAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIgL0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlIC9MZW5ndGggMjg1NT4+CnN0cmVhbQp4nKVa2XLjuBV976+4b85UeWCCO3teAlOQGgkXNUl5qlzzoliyw5QsTiT1TFV/TT4tn5ILgJvctgg7L6bF7dxz9wvQhr",
  "company_registration_report_file": "JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGUvTGVuZ3RoIDEwNjA0Pj4Kc3RyZWFtCnic5VxcW9vMZz7+12QEUe7ZT5F3ahZ5RZsm5O0VV2T0TJEUKmA8j0WTY2MtKPvQvFBDW9DEWt",
  "output_type": "pdf",
  "output_language": "en",
  "template_id": "1",
  "template_version": "4",
  "user_reference": "{{user_reference}}",
  "user_unique_reference": "{{user_unique_reference}}",
  "user_code": "{{user_code}}",
  "timestamp": "{{timestamp}}",
  "user_ip": "{{user_ip}}",
  "request_device_type": "api tester",
  "request_device_id": "{{request_device_id}}",
  "request_user_agent": "postman",
  "status_url": "https://risk.openapi.com/response-status-ack",
  "crif_company_report_output_file": "true",


The response will return among other things the status and the request id.

  "company_name": "openapi",
  "company_legal_form": "sr",
  "company_tax_code": "12485671007",
  "company_vat_number": "12485671007",
  "company_certified_email": "[email protected]",
  "company_sdi": "",
  "company_address": "via marinetti",
  "company_street_number": "2",
  "company_city": "rome",
  "company_postal_code": "00128",
  "company_province": "rm",
  "company_country": "italy",
  "first_name": "mario",
  "last_name": "rossi",
  "birth_date": "1990-04-28",
  "gender": "m",
  "fiscal_code": "mrrrss89d28l117d",
  "birth_city": "terni",
  "birth_province": "tr",
  "birth_country": "italy",
  "residence_address": "via rossini",
  "residence_street_number": "2",
  "residence_city": "terni",
  "residence_postal_code": "05100",
  "residence_province": "tr",
  "residence_country": "italy",
  "document_type": "DRIVER'S LICENSE",
  "document_number": "RT5677UI",
  "release_date": "2001-12-31",
  "expiration_date": "2030-12-31",
  "release_city": "terni",
  "release_province": "tr",
  "public_authority": "mctc",
  "document_file": "JVBERi0xLjMKMyAwIG9iago8PC9UeXBlIC9QYWdlCi9QYXJlbnQgMSAwIFIKL1Jlc291cmNlcyAyIDAgUgovQ29udGVudHMgNCAwIFI+PgplbmRvYmoKNCAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIgL0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlIC9MZW5ndGggMjg1NT4+CnN0cmVhbQp4nKVa2XLjuBV976+4b85UeWCCO3teAlOQGgkXNUl5qlzzoliyw5QsTiT1TFV/TT4tn5ILgJvctgg7L6bF7dxz9wvQhr",
  "company_registration_report_file": "JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGUvTGVuZ3RoIDI0MTkvTiAzPj5zdHJlYW0KpiGUlbuOUfkoHcIMHvf7eqrATV1bZpTTVMre2cUZvbDdUMl4+9NRagm9IquKs7XBFUeuqDxnLlMyPL83p4AD5+TOqvVD8kwtQSp5ezioMU/5vnfGDQSdDYcTp3QWvXxdPLREP89LnlSNLR/FrhaJ0J4amPSRm04uxKQ3",
  "callback": {
    "url": "https://mysite.com/test.php",
    "method": "POST",
    "field": "data",
    "headers": {
      "session_id": "oiwejdf89453urf945jfg"
    "data": {}
  "state": "in_progress",
  "creation_timestamp": 1685532040,
  "last_update_timestamp": 1685532040,
  "owner": "[email protected]",
  "delegation_file": "64772d88496e98e849017aa8_delega.pdf",
  "signed_delegation_file": "eae65688f78ba2ffe44715a6398cbd34.pdf",
  "id": "64772d88496e98e849017aa8"
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null



Once the request has been sent, it is necessary to download the delegation document using the endpoint GET/IT-crif-azienda/{id}/delega by passing the id obtained during the request phase.


GET https://risk.openapi.com/IT-crif-azienda/{id}/delega

The response will be the delegation form in PDF format.



Once the delegation document has been correctly signed, it can be submitted to complete the documentation required for the request via the PATCH/IT-crif-azienda/{id} endpoint, where the id will again be the one obtained during the request phase (endpoint POST /IT-crif-azienda).


PATCH https://risk.openapi.com/IT-crif-azienda/{id}

The request body will include the signed delegation document:

  "signed_delegation_file": "JVBERi0xLjMKMyAwIG9iago8PC9UeXBlIC9QYWdlCi9QYXJlbnQgMSAwIFIKL1Jlc291cmNlcyAyIDAgUgovQ29udGVudHMgNCAwIFI+PgplbmRvYmoKNCAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIgL0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlIC9MZW5ndGggMjg1NT4+CnN0cmVhbQp4nKVa2XLjuBV976+4b85UeWCCO3teAlOQGgkXNUl5qlzzoliyw5QsTiT1TFV/TT4tn5ILgJvctgg7L6bF7dxz9wvQhr99sogXwJ94sCwLFp9uK7iZU6A2/obqEXj1yfOJH0EQUGLZ8AyeExKv/72D8tO/QT"


The response will include both the simple delegation form and the signed delegation form:

  "company_name": "openapi",
  "company_legal_form": "sr",
  "company_tax_code": "12485671007",
  "company_vat_number": "12485671007",
  "company_certified_email": "[email protected]",
  "company_sdi": "",
  "company_address": "via marinetti",
  "company_street_number": "2",
  "company_city": "roma",
  "company_postal_code": "00128",
  "company_province": "rm",
  "company_country": "italia",
  "first_name": "mario",
  "last_name": "rossi",
  "birth_date": "1990-04-28",
  "gender": "m",
  "fiscal_code": "mrrrss89d28l117d",
  "birth_city": "terni",
  "birth_province": "tr",
  "birth_country": "italia",
  "residence_address": "via rossini",
  "residence_street_number": "2",
  "residence_city": "terni",
  "residence_postal_code": "05100",
  "residence_province": "tr",
  "residence_country": "italia",
  "document_type": "PATENTE",
  "document_number": "RT5677UI",
  "release_date": "2001-12-31",
  "expiration_date": "2030-12-31",
  "release_city": "terni",
  "release_province": "tr",
  "public_authority": "mctc",
  "document_file": "JVBERi0xLjMKMyAwIG9iago8PC9UeXBlIC9QYWdlCi9QYXJlbnQgMSAwIFIKL1Jlc291cmNlcyAyIDAgUgovQ29udGVudHMgNCAwIFI+PgplbmRvYmoKNCAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIgL0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlIC9MZW5ndGggMjg1NT4+CnN0cmVhbQp4nKVa2XLjuBV976+4b85UeWCCO3teAlOQGgkXNUl5qlzzoliyw5QsTiT1TFV/TT4tn5ILgJvctgg7L6bF7dxz9wvQhr",
  "company_registration_report_file": "JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGUvTGVuZ3RoIDI0MTkvTiAzPj5zdHJlYW0KpiGUlbuOUfkoHcIMHvf7eqrATV1bZpTTVMre2cUZvbDdUMl4+9NRagm9IquKs7XBFUeuqDxnLlMyPL83p4AD5+TOqvVD8kwtQSp5ezioMU/5vnfGDQSdDYcTp3QWvXxdPLREP89LnlSNLR/FrhaJ0J4amPSRm04uxKQ3",
  "callback": {
    "url": "https://mysite.com/test.php",
    "method": "POST",
    "field": "data",
    "headers": {
      "session_id": "oiwejdf89453urf945jfg"
    "data": {}
  "state": "in_lavorazione",
  "creation_timestamp": 1685532040,
  "last_update_timestamp": 1685532040,
  "owner": "[email protected]",
  "delegation_file": "64772d88496e98e849017aa8_delega.pdf",
  "signed_delegation_file": "eae65688f78ba2ffe44715a6398cbd34.pdf",
  "id": "64772d88496e98e849017aa8"
"success": true,
"message": "",
"error": null



It will be possible to retrieve, and eventually check the status of any request through the endpoint https://risk.openapi.com/EN-crif-company/{id}


To check the status of the request, we suggest implementing the callback.



It is possible to retrieve the list of all requests made through the endpoint https://risk.openapi.com/EN-crif-company/




The response will include the status, the creation date of the request, the last update, and the ID

  "data": [
      "state": "completato",
      "creation_timestamp": 1685369206,
      "last_update_timestamp": 1685369607,
      "owner": "[email protected]",
      "id": "647722c4b23b7966ed359763"
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

PLEASE NOTE: Access to SIC data, the Credit Information System, is granted to account holders, the legal representative in the case of a legal entity, or another person delegated by the account holder. It is essential to send a copy of the ID card of the person for whom the relevant certificate is being requested. In the case of legal entities (non-commercial entities, associations, foundations, businesses, partnerships or corporations, consortia, etc.), a copy of the legal representative's ID must be submitted for the legal entity for which the report is requested. If the product is requested for legal entities, an additional fee of up to €10 may be required, payable directly to CRIF, which will send a specific email.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The CRIF Company Credit Report is a document that provides credit information collected by the Central Risk Intermediary (CRIF), a company specializing in the management of data related to loans and credit relationships.

What is the CRIF Company Report service?

The CRIF Company Credit Report typically includes the following information:

  • Credit Institution
  • Data Update
  • Type of Credit
  • Credit Stage
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Repayment Frequency
  • Number of Installments
  • Monthly Installment Amount
  • Due Installment Amount
  • Remaining Installments
  • Residual Amount
  • Overdue and Unpaid Installments
  • Overdue and Unpaid Amount
  • Payment Delays
  • Maximum Number of Installments with Delay
  • Worst Reported Status
What information can I obtain with the CRIF Company Credit Report service?

The CRIF Report can be requested by the legal representative of the company or their delegate.

Who can request the CRIF Company Credit Report?

The service is designed for anyone who needs to verify the credit health of a legal entity, showing any ongoing loans, credit requests, payment delays, banking difficulties, or insolvency situations.

Who is the CRIF Company Credit Report service for?

The service is completed within 20 working days.

What are the response times for the service?

The cost of the service is €17.50. In some cases, an additional fee of up to €10 may be required, payable directly to CRIF, which will send a specific email with payment instructions.

What are the costs of the CRIF Company Credit Report service?