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Company TOP - Worldwide


From: €0.05 + VAT

COMPANY Top Worldwide provides global, up-to-date, and verified business data on companies of all sectors and sizes. It includes company profile information, international classifications, and financial data, supporting strategic decisions with reliable sources.


In a few seconds

available for
  • gz

COMPANY Top Worldwide offers access to high-quality business data with global coverage. Perfect for professionals and enterprises, it provides detailed, always up-to-date, and verified information on companies of all industries and sizes.

Data is accessible through one of the following parameters:

  • VAT Number (vatcode)
  • ID (internal company identifier)
  • Company Number (valid for certain countries)
  • Taxcode (Tax Identification Number)

Thanks to official sources and thorough verification, this solution guarantees comprehensive data on established companies and emerging businesses in every geographical area. With Company TOP Worldwide, you can access over 60 data points, including:

Company Information

  • Company ID – Unique identifier.
  • Legal Name – Official designation (also in the local language).
  • Company Size – Size category.
  • Tax Code / VAT Number (in EU format)
  • Registration Number
  • LEI Code – Unique legal entity identifier (20 characters).

Address and Registered Office

  • City, Country ISO2 (Geographical location)
  • Full Address – Street, house number, postal code.
  • GPS Coordinates – Latitude and longitude.
  • Geographical Area – Macro area, NUTS1-2-3, State.
  • US Metropolitan Area (only for US companies).

Company Classifications

  • International – NACE / NAICS / SIC (primary and secondary codes with details on section, division, group).
  • National – Local codes (e.g., ATECO in Italy).

Financial Data and Reports

  • Latest Financial Report – Year, submission date, number of employees.
  • Economic Indicators – Annual profit, operating revenue, equity capital, total assets.
  • Financial Report History – Data available for multiple years.

Company TOP Worldwide is available via the endpoint:
GET /WW-top/{country}/{vatCode_companyNumber_taxCode_or_id}


GET /WW-top/{country}/{vatCode_companyNumber_taxCode_or_id}



GET /WW-top/{vatCode_companyNumber_taxCode_or_id}

This is an example of the response obtained using VAT Code 100003695519 + ISO country code (LT) as a parameter.

  "data": [
      "id": "67c6c4721b7001981c9666a2",
      "lastUpdateTimestamp": 1741079665,
      "companyName": "UAB Contentus",
      "nativeCompanyName": "UAB Contentus",
      "companySize": "Medium sized company",
      "vatCode": "LT100003695519",
      "markers": [
          "label": "Trade register number",
          "number": "300556523",
          "types": [
            "Trade register number"
          "label": "VAT number, European VAT number",
          "number": "LT100003695519",
          "types": [
           "VAT/Tax number",
            "European VAT number"
      "address": {
        "registeredOffice": {
          "town": "Vilniaus M.",
          "country": "LT",
          "zipCode": "02103",
          "streetName": "Varsuvos G. 11-3",
          "streetNumber": "11",
          "gps": {
            "coordinates": [
          "nativeTown": "Vilniaus M.",
          "county": "Eastern Europe",
          "nuts1": "LT0 - Lithuania",
          "nuts2": "LT01 - Capital Region",
          "nuts3": "LT011 - Vilnius",
          "usMetropolitanArea": "",
          "usState": "",
          "locationArea": [
              "type": "County",
              "description": "Vilnius"
              "type": "City municipality",
              "description": "Vilniaus M. Sav."
      "activityStatus": "ACTIVE",
      "incorporationDate": "2006-04-03",
      "contacts": {
        "fax": "+370 5 2108773",
        "phone": "+370 5 2772184",
        "website": "www.contentus.lt"
      "internationalClassification": {
        "nace": {
          "primary": [
              "code": "4669",
              "description": "Commercio all'ingrosso di altri macchinari e attrezzature",
              "core": "Wholesale",
              "section": "G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles",
              "division": "46 - Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles",
              "group": "466 - Wholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies"
          "secondary": [
              "code": "4778",
              "description": "Altre vendite al dettaglio di beni nuovi in negozi specializzati",
              "core": "Wholesale",
              "section": "G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles",
              "division": "47 - Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles",
              "group": "477 - Retail sale of other goods in specialised stores"
              "code": "7112",
              "description": "Attività di ingegneria e consulenza tecnica connessa",
              "core": "Wholesale",
              "section": "M - Professional, scientific and technical activities",
              "division": "71 - Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis",
              "group": "711 - Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy"
        "naics": {
          "primary": [
              "code": "423830",
              "description":"Grossisti di macchinari e attrezzature industriali",
              "section": "42 - Wholesale Trade",
              "division": "423 - Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods",
              "group": "4238 - Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers"
          "secondary": [
              "code": "459999",
              "description": "Tutti gli altri rivenditori vari",
              "section": "45 - Retail Trade",
              "division": "459 - Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers",
              "group": "4599 - Other Miscellaneous Retailers"
              "code": "541330",
              "description": "Servizi di ingegneria",
              "section": "54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services",
              "division": "541 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services",
              "group": "5413 - Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services"
        "sic": {
          "primary": [
              "code": "5084",
              "description": "Macchinari e attrezzature industriali",
              "section": "F - Wholesale Trade",
              "division": "50 - Wholesale Trade-durable Goods",
              "group": "508 - Machinery, Equipment, And Supplies"
          "secondary": [
              "code": "5999",
              "description": "Negozi al dettaglio vari, non classificati altrove",
              "section": "G - Retail Trade",
              "division": "59 - Miscellaneous Retail",
              "group": "599 - Retail Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified"
              "code": "8711",
              "description": "Servizi di ingegneria",
              "section": "I - Services",
              "division": "87 - Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management, And Related Services",
              "group": "871 - Engineering, Architectural, And Surveying"
      "nationalClassification": {
        "type": [
          "NACE Rev. 2"
        "primary": [
        "secondary": [
      "balanceSheets": {
        "last": {
          "year": 2022,
          "balanceSheetDate": "2022-12-31",
          "employees": 5,
          "netWorth": 401837,
          "operatingRevenue": 5113928,
          "equity": 405055,
          "totalAssets": 1039542
        "all": [
            "year": 2022,
            "balanceSheetDate": "2022-12-31",
            "employees": 5,
            "netWorth": 401837,
            "operatingRevenue": 5113928,
            "equity": 405055,
            "totalAssets": 1039542
            "year": 2021,
            "balanceSheetDate": "2021-12-31",
            "employees": 4,
            "netWorth": 99875,
            "operatingRevenue": 1859980,
            "equity": 123394,
            "totalAssets": 344125
            "year": 2020,
            "balanceSheetDate": "2020-12-31",
            "employees": 4,
            "netWorth": 59606,
            "operatingRevenue": 1719231,
            "equity": 64912,
            "totalAssets": 171176
            "year": 2019,
            "balanceSheetDate": "2019-12-31",
            "employees": 5,
            "netWorth": 1752,
            "operatingRevenue": 2233241,
            "equity": 75894,
            "totalAssets": 387517
            "year": 2018,
            "balanceSheetDate": "2018-12-31",
            "employees": 4,
            "netWorth": 11009,
            "operatingRevenue": 1217514,
            "equity": 73504,
            "totalAssets": 113279
            "year": 2017,
            "balanceSheetDate": "2017-12-31",
            "employees": 3,
            "netWorth": 4417,
            "operatingRevenue": 1021865,
            "equity": 62743,
            "totalAssets": 111425
            "year": 2016,
            "balanceSheetDate": "2016-12-31",
            "employees": 3,
            "netWorth": 28877,
            "operatingRevenue": 938167,
            "equity": 58325,
            "totalAssets": 73581
            "year": 2015,
            "balanceSheetDate": "2015-12-31",
            "employees": 2,
            "netWorth": null,
            "operatingRevenue": 475000,
            "equity": null,
            "totalAssets": null
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

Company Worldwide Top by Openapi is the ideal choice for professionals and businesses needing a global, reliable, and detailed overview of company information. With its extensive coverage and flexible integration, it enables data transformation into competitive advantages, supporting every strategic decision in an ever-evolving market environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It is a service that provides updated and verified business data on companies worldwide, supporting analysis and strategic decision-making.

What is COMPANY Top WorldWide?

Here are the main types of information available with Company TOP Worldwide:

  • Business Data: Unique ID, legal name (including local name), size, Tax Code (Tax Identification Number - e.g., VAT, TIN), VAT number, registration number, LEI Code.
  • Registered Office: City, Country (ISO2), full address, GPS coordinates, geographic area (NUTS, macroarea), USA metropolitan area.
  • Status and Registration: Business status, incorporation date.
  • Contacts: Phone, fax, website.
  • Classifications: NACE, NAICS, SIC (international) and local codes (e.g., ATECO).
  • Financial Data: Latest financial statement (year, employees), economic indicators (net worth, turnover, capital, total assets), financial statement history.
What information can I obtain with Company TOP Worldwide?

Basic company information is available for all countries. However, financial data availability depends on the legal regulations of each country. In some countries, they are accessible for certain types of companies, while in others, they are not (for example, in Italy, they are available for corporations but not for partnerships). Additionally, in some countries, financial data are complete, while in others, they are provided in a partial format.

Are data available for all countries?

The data are collected from official sources, business registers, and verified databases to ensure maximum reliability.

Where do the data come from?

The data are available in JSON format via API and can be easily integrated into your business systems.

In what format can I receive the data?

The COMPANY Top WorldWide service is ideal for:

  • Companies and multinationals needing reliable data on partners, suppliers, and competitors.
  • Financial institutions and investors assessing corporate stability and economic performance.
  • Legal and tax professionals verifying registrations, tax codes, and regulatory compliance.
  • Marketing and sales teams for market analysis and identifying potential B2B customers.
  • Credit and insurance companies for risk assessment and compliance management.
  • Public institutions and organizations for market research, statistics, and corporate regulations.

It is perfect for anyone needing detailed and up-to-date business information on a global scale.

Who is the Company TOP WW service for?

The service guarantees a response within 10 seconds, providing instant access to the requested information.

What is the service response time?

Subscription plans are available at competitive rates starting from €0.05 + VAT per request. Subscription plans offer different usage limits based on the selected plan, ensuring flexibility. Alternatively, the cost for a single request via prepaid credit is €0.13 + VAT.

What are the costs of the Company TOP WW service?