HomeProductsCurrent Company Shares Report - Italy

Current Company Shares Report - Italy

€2.10 + VAT

Get real-time information about the company shares held by an individual or entity via API.


In real time

available for
  • it

With the Current Company Shares Report - service, it is possible to obtain in real-time, starting from the input of the subject's tax code:

  • information about the person such as name, surname, tax code, date and place of birth, residence
  • information about the company such as Chamber of Commerce, REA, legal nature, ATECO code, and status of activities
  • information about the shares such as deed date, description, real rights, shares owned, share value, ownership percentage

The information is available in real-time through Openapi's Visengine API and can be downloaded in PDF, JSON, or XML format.

NOTE: This report only includes capital company shares.

Here are the steps to obtain the report.


Request Report Hash


To request reports with Visengine, you first need to identify the hash that uniquely identifies each document or practice.


This is possible through the GET/visure endpoint, which does not require parameters and will return the complete list of documents and practices available through Visengine and regarding hash.

Verify Data and Request Report Costs


If you want to verify the information, required documents, and report costs, you need to make a request through the GET/visure/{hash_visura} endpoint and provide the hash of the previously obtained certificate.



To check fields and costs for completing the request, you need to use the hash obtained in the previous request.




The response will include all the necessary information to complete the request, such as mandatory fields.

  "data": {
    "nome_visura": "Active Quote Person",
    "ricerca": false,
    "nome_categoria": "Chamber",
    "json_struttura": {
      "campi": {
        "$0": {
          "nome": "Tax Code",
          "tipo": "tax_code_person",
          "null": false,
          "istruzioni": "Enter the tax code of the individual",
      "validazione": "$0  ",
      "istruzioni": "",
      "istruzioni_ricerca": ""
    "hash_visura": "367ff20236e836d81470f00ba1d9f703",
    "prezzo_visura": 2.1,
    "prezzo_ricerca": 0,
    "sincrona": false,
    "opzioni": null,
    "fornitori": []
  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "error": null

The validation shows the required data to complete the request successfully.

Request Report

POST /request

To request the report, the tax code of the individual is passed.


POST /request

    "hash_visura": "367ff20236e836d81470f00ba1d9f703",
    "json_visura": {
      "$1": 12485671007


POST /request

The response returns various information including the status, callback (if set), and the request ID that will be needed later to download the document.

{ "data":
      "_id": "5f2829ce065afc21cc60ad0e",
    "state": 1,
    "hash_visura": "367ff20236e836d81470f00ba1d9f703",
    "nome": "Active Quote Person ",
    "ricerca": false,
    "id_ricerca": null,
    "prezzo_visura": 2.3,
    "prezzo_ricerca": 0,
    "indice_ricerca": null,
    "stato_richiesta": "In progress",
    "email_target": null,
    "allegati": [],
    "timestamp_creation": 1596467662,
    "timestamp_last_update": 1596467663,
    "timestamp_stati": {
      "in_ricerca": 1596467663,
      "in_erogazione": 1596467663
    "callback_data": false,
    "opzioni": null,
    "owner": "[email protected]",
    "sincrona": false,
    "ricerche": [
        "id_ricerca": "5f2829ce065afc21cc60ad0e_0",
        "stato_ricerca": "Search completed",
        "json_ricerca": "{\"$1\":\"12485671007\"}",
        "json_mappato": {
          "NRea": "1378273",
          "Cciaa": "RM"
        "json_risultato": null
    "esito": {

      "codice": "0",
      "info": "OK"

Download Report


When the request status is "completed," you can download the data in JSON, PDF, and XML formats via the method GET/document/{_id}



This is an example of a request made using the previously obtained ID.




The response will contain the name, size, and file.

    "dimensione": "10206",
    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "error": null

All formats (JSON, PDF, XML) will be available within a zip file.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Report on Current Shares of a Person is a report that provides information on the corporate shares owned by an individual based on their tax code. The service indicates the percentage of participation in various companies, the value of the shares held, and the type of holdings (e.g., ordinary or preferred shares). This tool is essential for financial analyses, investment evaluations, and corporate transparency checks. With quick and detailed access, professionals and businesses can make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date data.

What is the Report on Current Shares of a Person?

The Report on Current Shares of a Person provides real-time, starting from the individual's tax code, a series of detailed information including:

  • Personal data: first name, last name, tax code, date and place of birth, residence.
  • Company information: Chamber of Commerce (CCIAA), REA number, legal nature, ATECO code, and company's activity status.
  • Share data: date of the act, description, real right, shares held, share value, ownership percentage.

The information can be obtained in real time via the Openapi Visengine API and downloaded in PDF, JSON, or XML formats.

Note: The report refers exclusively to shares in capital companies.

What information does the Report on Current Shares of a Person include?

The information is available in various formats, depending on the user's needs. Data can be obtained in PDF format, ideal for immediate and simple viewing, or in structured formats like JSON or XML, which are particularly useful for automatic integration into IT systems or for data processing through specific software.

In which formats are the information available?

The Report on Current Shares of a Person is designed for various professional figures and companies that need information on an individual's corporate holdings, including:

  • Companies and entrepreneurs who wish to know an individual's corporate holdings.
  • Investors to assess the corporate shares held by a potential partner.
  • Financial institutions to evaluate an individual's involvement in different enterprises.
  • Legal and tax consultants to analyze active corporate holdings.
  • Recruiters who need to assess the entrepreneurial activity of a candidate.
Who is the Report on Current Shares of a Person intended for?

The information is provided via API in real time, ensuring immediate access to the requested data.

What are the service's response times?

The cost of the Report on Current Shares of a Person for each individual request via recharge is €2.50 + VAT.

What are the costs of the Report on Current Shares of a Person?

What is the Report Active Shares Person service?What is the Report on Current Shares of a Person service?

The report provides detailed information about:

  • Person: first name, last name, tax code, date and place of birth, residence.
  • Company: CCIAA, REA, legal nature, ATECO code, activity status.
  • Shares: deed date, description, real rights, owned shares, share value, percentage of ownership.
What information does the Report on Current Shares of a Person provide?

The service is part of Risk, the API that allows access to numerous databases (e.g., Registry, Revenue Agency, CCIAA, CRIF, Experian) and over 15 reports and investigations on individuals, freelancers, and businesses with a single request. Here are some of the available information via API:

  • Data on financing (CRIF and Experian)
  • Residence and Domicile
  • Workplace
  • Real estate
  • Phone
  • Negativity
  • Indicators of (Credit Score) and recoverability
  • Marital Status and Spouse
  • Reliability
  • Positions
  • Equity Interests
  • Date of death
  • Information on heirs
  • Bank relations
  • Transcriptions
Which API is the service part of?

Yes, in addition to the Report on Current Shares of a Person, the following reports dedicated to private individuals are also available on Openapi:

  • Asset Report Person
  • Top Asset Report Person
  • Real Time Person Report
  • Top Person Report
  • Current Positions Report Person
Are there other reports available via API dedicated to individuals?

The report can be downloaded in PDF format.

In which formats is the report available?

The Report on Current Shares of a Person via API is ideal for companies, financial institutions, legal consultants, and economic sector professionals who want to integrate a service via API to obtain in real time the document that monitors the participation shares of a private individual in capital companies. It is useful for those managing asset analyses, corporate verifications, or evaluations related to corporate participations and commercial operations.

Who is the Report on Current Shares of a Person service intended for?

Openapi manages the entire request process via API in full compliance with current privacy regulations, with data minimization and encryption practices. For more information on this, you can consult the Privacy documentation on our website.

How is privacy managed?

The produced documents are deleted from Openapi's systems according to the timeframes visible in the Redemption Period (the deadline after which the document is deleted from our servers) in the privacy documentation. If necessary, the client can directly contact the authorized professional who provided the service, who is required to keep a copy according to regulations.

After how long does Openapi delete produced documents from its systems?

The service is provided in real time.

What are the processing times for the service?

The cost per request is €2.10.

What are the costs of the Report on Current Shares of a Person service?