€0.025 + VAT
Automatic Qualified Electronic Signature (EU-QES_automatic), the free-fee solution for signing single or bulk documents directly from a server, in seconds.
The Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) automatic solution simplifies signing processes, ensuring full compliance with European regulations.
It is an extremely flexible API service that can be customized based on the specific needs of individual companies. Among the various options available, it is possible to sign documents either individually or in bulk directly from a server, select any signature format (CAdES, PAdES, XAdES, and PKCS#1), and set whether the document validation and signature should be synchronous or asynchronous.
There are no annual fees: you only pay for the cost of activating the certificate and actual use.
The QES Signature is also available for legal persons, through a special service (Qualified Electronic Seal).
The implementation of electronic signing via API allows offering employees or users a simplified remote signing experience for any document, while simultaneously ensuring security and European validity. Electronic signatures are recognized by European Union law through the eIDAS regulation.
The solution has 30 customisable security levels and can be integrated via API into management systems, software, and websites, making it easier and safer to sign orders, quotes, activation requests, and contracts.
Before using this service, it is necessary to purchase a signing certificate through the dedicated endpoint POST /certificates/namirial-automatic.
Once the certificate is activated, you can start using the automatic signing service. Both the "automatic" service and the "OTP" service are available, i.e., strong authentication using OTP (One Time Password), which increases the security level of the signature and further protects signed documents.
The endpoint POST/EU-QES_automatic allows you to apply a qualified electronic signature via API.
"sourceType": "remote",
"url": "https://my-domain.com/remoteResource.pdf",
"sourceType": "remote",
"payload": "BASE64string",
"certificateUsername": "[email protected]",
"certificatePassword": "password123",
"title": "PAdES Signature",
"description": "PAdES signature of a remote and base64 file",
"signatureType": "pades",
The mandatory fields for proceeding with the signature are:
If not specified (in the signatureType field), the system will select the most suitable format (CAdES, PAdES, XAdES, and PKCS#1) based on the mimeType of the uploaded file.
As mentioned, the service is highly flexible and allows configuration options such as document validation mode and signature (synchronous or asynchronous), signature level, hash algorithm, and optional callback.
Some options may be available only for specific signature formats (e.g., positioning the signature in the PDF document).
The service also allows you to mark the document with any type of timestamp.
The response content after the request will depend on the status of the request and could be:
If the signing process is completed, the response will contain data such as status (DONE), options, and the date.
"id": "67af252164f60538280f70f9",
"updatedAt": "2025-02-14 11:12:53.699+00:00",
"createdAt": "2025-02-14 11:12:34.218+00:00",
"certificateType": "EU-QES_automatic",
"state": "DONE",
"signatureType": "pades",
"options": {
"asyncDocumentsValidation": false,
"asyncSignature": false,
"level": "B",
"hashAlgorithm": "SHA256",
"encryptInAnyCase": false,
"page": 1,
"withSignatureField": false,
"document": {
"title": "B",
"description": "",
"inputDocuments": [
"sourceType": "base64",
"createdAt": "2025-02-14 11:12:33.819+00:00",
"mimetype": "application/pdf",
"extension": "pdf",
"size": 339,
"id": "67af252164f60538280f70fb",
"md5": "694be78a9eaa52d602bec92e211fa5dc",
"name": "694be78a9eaa52d602bec92e211fa5dc.pdf",
"validatedDocument": {,
"mimetype": "application/pdf",
"extension": "pdf",
"size": "339",
"createdAt": "2025-02-14 11:12:33.819+00:00",
"id": "67af252164f60538280f70fb",
"md5": "694be78a9eaa52d602bec92e211fa5dc",
"name": "694be78a9eaa52d602bec92e211fa5dc.pdf"
"signedDocument": {,
"createdAt": "2025-02-14 11:12:34.229+00:00",
"mimetype": "application/pdf",
"extension": "pdf",
"size": "50133",
"id": "67af252264f60538280f70fe",
"md5": "363cfdb141fe0e1a3f598e1fef3b3d8c",
"name": "694be78a9eaa52d602bec92e211fa5dc_signed.pdf"
"message": "Created",
"success": true,
"error": null,
GET /signatures/{id}/{actionType}
At the end of the signing process, it will be possible to request details of the completed signing process, the signed document, the validated document, or the audit trail, which is the document containing all the information that led to the successful completion of the signature. In case of disputes, this file will allow for the technical reproduction of every step of the procedure.
POST /verify
Openapi also allows you to verify whether a document has actually been signed, who the signature is associated with, and how long it remains valid. The relevant endpoint in this case is POST /verify.
When making a request, it is necessary to upload the signed document.
"inputDocument": "BASE64string",
"detachedContent": "BASE64string",
"pdfEncryptionPassword": "password123",
"recursive": true,
"verifyOnDate": "2025-02-14"
The system will return various information about the document. First, it specifies whether the document has been properly signed, in which format, and whether the signature is valid.
Additionally, it provides:
"data": {
"checkDate": "2025-02-14 11:11:01.892+00:00",
"verificationDate": "2025-02-14 11:11:01.892+00:00",
"signatureFormat": "PAdES",
"nrOfSignatures": 1,
"overallVerified": true,
"signatureReportList": [
"id": "0",
"integrity": true,
"signatureAlgorithmName": "SHA256withRSA",
"issuerDN": "C=IT,O=Namirial S.p.A./02046570426,OU=Certification Authority,CN=Namirial CA Firma Qualificata",
"subjectCN": "ROSSI MARIO",
"issuerCN": "Namirial CA Firma Qualificata",
"serialNumber": "5557601230250214000",
"signerCertificateStatus": "VALID",
"signerCertificateNotBefore": "2025-02-14 11:11:01.892+00:00",
"signerCertificateNotAfter": "2025-02-14 11:11:01.892+00:00",
"signerCertificateRevocationDate": "2025-02-14 11:11:01.892+00:00",
"issuerCertificateStatus": "VALID",
"issuerCertificateRevocationDate": "2025-02-14 11:11:01.892+00:00",
"trustedSignatureDate": false,
"signatureDate": "2025-02-14 11:11:01.892+00:00",
"issuerTrustedList": true,
"keySize": 2048,
"qcComplianceStatus": "VALID",
"qcSSCDStatus": "VALID",
"derEncodedSignerCert": "BASE64string"
"noteReportList": [
"policy": 3,
"about": 2,
"type": 1,
"synopsis": "Certified qualified in conformity",
"description": "The qualified certificate of ROSSI MARIO complies with European Directive 1999/93/EC"
"plainDocument": "BASE64string"
"message": "Signature is valid",
"error": null,
"success": true
The electronic signature has already been integrated for the signing of documents such as pre-contracts, quotes, sales or rental contracts, and generic documents.
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The Automated Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) is an innovative API solution that enables document signing in bulk or individually, with or without human interaction. The signature can be applied synchronously or asynchronously in just a few seconds.
The QES supports all digital signature formats: CAdES, PAdES, XAdES, and PKCS#1.
Yes, to use the Automated Qualified Electronic Signature via API, you must have a mass/remote automatic signature certificate with OTP.
NOTE: Before using the Signature service, you need to purchase a signature certificate or an electronic seal through the dedicated endpoint POST /certificates/namirial-automatic.
The certificate is valid for one year.
Yes, the service complies with the eIDAS Regulation and has full legal validity across Europe.
Yes, using the POST /verify endpoint, you can check:
The Automated Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) service is useful for businesses (of all sizes) and professionals who need to sign digital documents securely, quickly, and in compliance with European regulations.
It is particularly beneficial in specific sectors, such as:
The service is delivered within seconds.
There are no annual fees. You only pay for certificate activation and actual usage, with costs starting at €0.013 per signature on a subscription basis and €0.050 per signature on a pay-as-you-go basis.