Simone Desantis
Italian "regioni", "province", municipality data, zip codes and Istat Codes always in sync in your application with this brand new APIs
A single restful web service to automagically send your invoice to Italian Revenue Agency and legally conserves it for 10 years
Transactional, faster, flexible and even more powerful than before
Carbon free energy for Our Cloud Low CO2
© 2024 Openapi SpA, a single-member company, under the direction and control of Open Holding Srl. Viale Filippo Tommaso Marinetti 221 - 00143 Rome - Business Register: 1378273, Share Capital: €50,000.00, VAT Number: IT12485671007, Recipient Code: 'USAL8PV' - Certified Email: [email protected] Openapi is certified in: Quality System - **UNI EN ISO 9001:2015** - Data Quality **ISO 25012:2014** - Security Management **ISO/IEC 27001:2022** All prices are net of any VAT, stamp duty, registration fees, or other taxes that may be due. All logos listed on the portal are copyrighted and owned by their respective owners.