Discover the new ws that allows you to consult and obtain cadastral data in a synchronous and fast way
Openapi has recently introduced Cadastre, the service that allows you to obtain all the information in the land register relating to private individuals, businesses or real estate. An innovative service, thanks to which the cadastral data of buildings or real estate properties can be consulted synchronously and quickly. All this is done via APIs.
In particular, five services have been introduced. Let's look at them individually.
The first service is the Real Estate List, which works very simply: with a limit of 5 calls, it returns - starting from the insertion of the type of Land Registry, Municipality, Province, Sheet, Plot - the list of properties and their respective data (e.g. category, consistency, income).
The cadastral report differs from the property list in that the parameter "subaltern" has been added. The insertion of this parameter, together with the 5 parameters listed above, makes it possible to obtain the characteristics of the properties and the holders (with name, tax code, type of ownership and share).
With the Person Search service it is possible to know - starting from the parameters type of cadastre, province and tax code or VAT number - all the properties in the name of a person.
The same search carried out with "Person Search" can also be carried out on a national level, with the National Search service. In this case the result will be a list with province and number of properties in the name of a person (private or legal).
Finally, we have the Address service, which - by entering the street/street and house number - allows us to obtain a list of all the properties present at that specific address. The output returns the property details but not the owner.
The Cadastre ws is added to all the other real estate services already present on Openapi (such as Company Registration Reports, Planimetries, Comparable Real Estate etc.), which allow those who manage a Portal or a Real Estate software to lighten the work of the agencies with which they collaborate. In fact, with the integration of these services within their own software, the agency can obtain the documents of interest in real time and can also make requests on demand through a single control panel, already integrated within their own management system.
Thanks to Openapi, it takes just a few seconds to carry out operations that previously could take hours to complete, but which are now fully automated. A major advantage for anyone working in the property sector!