HomeBlogOpenapi obtains UNI PdR 125:2022 Certification for Gender Equality

Openapi obtains UNI PdR 125:2022 Certification for Gender Equality

It is a recognition of our progress in creating an inclusive and fair working environment

Gender Equality

Openapi has just achieved an important milestone: the certification of its gender equality management system according to the UNI PdR 125:2022 standard. This achievement makes us extremely proud, as it reflects our commitment to fostering an inclusive, fair workplace that prioritizes employee well-being.

What is the UNI PdR 125:2022 Certification?

The UNI PdR 125:2022 standard establishes guidelines and requirements to ensure gender equality in the workplace. This standard focuses on several key areas, including:

  • Equal career opportunities and professional growth
  • Pay equity for equal roles and skills
  • Work-life balance
  • Inclusivity in recruitment and performance evaluation processes

The certification is awarded to organizations that demonstrate the adoption of concrete measures to promote gender equality, prevent discrimination, and value talent without bias.

Achieving this certification is not just a formal recognition but a tangible commitment to corporate policies that foster inclusivity and diversity.

Gender Equality and Technology

Openapi obtained the certification for activities it has been carrying out for years, specifically in the design and production of API software.

Receiving such recognition is not a given, especially in a context where significant gender disparities persist, particularly in STEM fields - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Numerous global studies are conducted annually on this topic, one of the most notable being the Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum. The latest report (2024) revealed that despite an increase in female representation in STEM, women account for only 28.2% of the STEM workforce, compared to 47.3% in non-STEM sectors.

In Italy, the situation is also concerning: we have dropped to 87th place in the Global Gender Gap Index 2024, with a score of 0.703 out of 1 (in 2023, Italy was 79th). This reflects a significant slowdown in closing gender gaps.

Given this scenario, we are proud to contribute, in our own small way, to driving positive societal change.

Openapi for a More Equitable Future

To break down the sociocultural barriers that hinder women's full participation in tech fields, it is essential to adopt inclusive policies and value female talent. At Openapi, we strongly believe in this mission and are committed to continuing our efforts.

In the coming months and years, we will keep promoting a corporate culture that respects and values diversity within an inclusive and equitable work environment. Our goal is to combine technological excellence with social responsibility, helping to build a future where everyone—regardless of gender—has equal opportunities for growth and success in the tech industry.

Openapi obtains UNI PdR 125:2022 Certification for Gender Equality
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